True, or FAlse?

by Andyman 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zep

    Are you aware of barabra's stuff Seven?.She's Australian, i didn't think she was that well know outside OZ.
    The book i'm reading is actually putting both sides of the story, sort of?.....its theory really, i wouldn't jump to believe it, its just a theory.She reckons that Christianity sprung out of the Qumram sect or Essenses...of which used the used the Pesher techinque a lot, and who thought the OT was full of hidden messages meant for them specifically.
    Radio Carbon dating is inconculsive, it could fall anywhere between 75 AD and 175bc......She makes a fair argument, but i dont buy it, its just interesting THEORY!

    handwriting tests put them mostly in the 1st and 2nd centuries B.C.

    Hmmmm, she says thats more the 1st century AD

  • waiting

    Hey 7,

    Went to your clicker. Had more fun with the Banner up top.

    For x amount of money, they can keep my family from being tempted on the internet.

    Perhaps they've read the masturbation thread?


  • Seven

    edited by 7of9

    Edited by - SevenofNine on 30 July 2000 14:30:43

  • Zep

    Highly critical is an understatement. SHe does raise some interesting points though.

  • SolidSender


    Edited by - SolidSender on 10 August 2000 4:3:40

  • Zep

    Myself, i'm just not sure about the bible anymore...I've just started reading too much stuff thats critical of it.I dont about Christian ethics or just looking to the bible as a sole source of guidance in life.I dont how i started taking JW's seriously, dont know how that happened...i always hated church, read the bible a little and believed in god more or less, but hate church.I wouldn't have lasted very long if ever became baptised Dub...I like thinking for myself, i like challenging ideas and for me to just hold the bible up as the ultimate source of truth just goes against that idea.SO....i'm not Christian, i cant give mayself a label.I dont know if God is real or just a little voice inside me head.I dont know Jesus was really the son of God or just an archetypal image of the self (your've read a little Jung i think?, in that case probably understand that load of BS) know, just A reflection of an inner ideal thats comes up in all forms in all societies with Buddha and Mohammad etc.The bible as the inspired word of God, i dont know either.All i know is that Jesus was a radical, a thinker himself, a revolutionary maybe, he said some wise stuff that i really like.....but other than that, the bible, especially the OT is just off the show, useless to me.....i mean, who cares who begat who and whether you should eat milk with pork or whatever.Who cares about where you go when you die and who gets resurrected when and at what time....and all those horned wilded beasts and stuff, and whos who....and the king of the North, who gives a flip.Wisdom is where its at and you can forget the rest as far as i'm concerned.I've been on too much of an atheist trip lately....its no good for me health, again , who cares whether you can prove God exists or why he allows the suffering in the world....and wether evolution really happened, it just doesn't matter.????...I believe in a personnal God, thats inside me.....dont understand what it is, or if it has any basis in reality, i just dont care...i'm burnt out trying to prove stuff to myself.My ethics are at odds with Christian ethics at times.You know, i have no problem with Sex before marriage and Homosexuality doesn't really get me outraged and stuff...and i hate church period, so i dont know why i bother with all this religious stuff.I just have too many doubts now.....I was never into that Armageddon stuff the WT put out either, condemning everyone...i just took it for granted that God would be fair and give everyone more than a fair go, of which Hellfire and brimstone just dont add up to.Ride a dirt bike....thats about it, Yep?

    Hey, what do you know, i just figured out where all you guys were gettin' those damn smiley faces from![8>][8>]

  • Zep


    Edited by - Zep on 30 July 2000 7:40:39

  • waiting


    Zep, Swift of Thought and Fingers.

    You're a cutie, eh?


    Edited by - waiting on 30 July 2000 10:34:13

  • SolidSender


    Edited by - SolidSender on 10 August 2000 3:58:10

  • Alfred


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