Since today is the "worldly" day of Thanksgiving for many of us, it is a good time to reflect on what we can be thankful for.....Anything come to mind?
What Are You Thankful For???
by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends
Life, unconditional friends, my family, but most of all, my SAVIOR!
Big Tex
For this board, reading and posting here helped me finally bury some old ghosts
For all the friends I've made while being here
For being an x-JW, and all the freedom to choose that comes with it
For Nina, the love of my life
For happy and healthy children, who will never live through what I did, so they will never know what I know
For the knowledge of what might have been, and the reality of what is
For the affection and attention of a Power greater than myself
For life, the ability to think, reason and look around in appreciation and awareness.Take a deep breath. Look at the sun. Feel a tender kiss.
This is life.
My health... and that of my family.
This board and all the good people who post on it.
Last... but by no means least....Simon and Angharad for hosting it....
I am thankful that someone on the earth loves me.
who's that Donkey?
Guest 77
You finally hit a topic that struck a cord, at least for me. Life , the dead cannot enjoy what I can. I'm making the most of what I can enjoy and that brings me contentment. I don't expect miracles or great things from people, just being themselves brings me pleasure. No need to impress me. Honesty, truthfulness and love just about covers everything.
Guest 77
Yes, Life is good!
You told me you loved me RR
I'm with Big tex and a bunch of what he said.
I am thankful I know longer have the mindset of my sweet little dub wife, whom I love, who is having TURKEY with my dub daughter, her two kids, and her hubby tomarrow ( without gumby).... insted of today.
I'm glad I don't have this type of guilt imposed upon me by an Organisation who can make people behave like this.
I'm just not sure who I'm suppose to thank