I think that part of the reason behind the ‘special order’ and vow of poverty is so the WT can evade payingFICA taxes and other things like workers comp for the Bethelites.
Bethelites Vow Of Poverty
by pale.emperor 84 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nobody in special full-time service I know has ever been asked to hand any money to the society. I knew a Bethelite and the netherlands branch that had three houses. Another one even had is window cleaning business.
My then wife and I used our yearly monthly vacation to work. Never even were asked about, and we signed the same vow. We were explained that it was just a tax thing. I never understood and still don't.
As drop noted, my understanding was that it related to the branch 1) not paying medicade and social security taxes and 2) insulated the branch against lawsuits for wages by ex bethelites
Never even were asked about, and we signed the same vow. We were explained that it was just a tax thing. I never understood and still don't.
You never understood and you still signed?
Do you really think that when you are in missionary service for two years and they show up with this form you care to understand? Ow sorry, I do not understand why so I stop with this?