Watchtower Organisation - it's all over, bar the shouting

by slimboyfat 199 Replies latest members campaign

  • konceptual99
    edit: women live longer than men so perhaps there will be a greater role for women?anyways I think it is a good idea to keep an eye on what is happening in the world outside to see if JWs may mirror such shifts

    As far as I can see women already outnumber men in many congregations. The men are more visible due to their penises granting them the ability to speak on the platform and run the organisation but I would guess that most congregations I know have a surplus of women to men.

    As for roles, the GB would rather gnaw their own fingers off than give women an equal role in teaching and judicial authority. The women already do a grand job of standing by carts and providing free manual labour on building projects thank you very much.

    As for those places where the penises are already in very, very, very short supply then there is always the tea towel to save the day.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Sorry but I seriously doubt the organization will disappear anytime soon. Decline, sure absolutely and we are already seeing signs of it although technically, they are still showing positive growth.

    They are taking steps from a financial standpoint to reduce costs and cash in on high value real estate. I believe leadership realizes they are in a net no growth position which when you are dealing with humans as your assets is a real problem. As the age of the average JW continues to increase, without a baby boom (likely not possible given the fact that many JWs are past child bearing age) or an increase in converts, you will start seeing declines in top line number but honestly that's another 5-10 years away. Add that to the 66% attrition ratio of born-ins that Pew cited, you are left with a problem. They should have recognized this 30 years ago and taken steps to keep the youth but they missed that chance and it won't come back. That leads me to believe that the leadership really did believe in their doctrine at least that the world was ending soon.

    I think it will be a slow decline similar to the Bible Students. They will never go away in my lifetime but will slip far behind other groups like the LDS because while I doubt they make a ton of converts, they do procreate rather well and education is encouraged producing a higher per income per member which leads to more contributions.

    While I wish they would just collapse, barring a black swan event I just don't see it happening.

  • Tight Pants Twinkle Toes
    Tight Pants Twinkle Toes

    SBF. I think you are 100% right on the money (GB wishes they were!) I think they are Done !! Too much happening, A Perfect Storm!! Can't come soon enough to suit me.

  • joe134cd

    I belive in another 50 years time. It will mostly be on line, streamed out of the USA. There will be 2-3 million faithful who will attend physical buildings dotted in main centers around the world if and when they can get to it. Most of WT physical assets will be gone, and the money from the proceeds off shore.

  • Diogenesister
    Phizzy we will soon have the Film about the Blood doctrine, starring Emma Thompson.

    Phizzy what film is that?

    Its not a film of Ian McEwan's' The Children's Act' is it? Always thought that would make a great film.

  • Confusedalot

    The prospect of a sudden crash is quite frightening: Millions of people suddenly having to face the fact that their lives have been based on lies! Considering the effects and influence the GB has on JW's, their lives and mental processes, there will be a lot of confused, angry, depressed, hopeless people thrown into "the world". The aftereffects will probably last for decades.

    Even in light of that I still hope it happens quickly, for the sake of the family,love and truth.

  • EverApostate

    Any sudden collapse of a religion is not a fact in history. Gradual decline is for sure.

  • Londo111

    I agree that likely most of the Governing Body are true believers. In the Armageddon mindset, any looming problems in the organization, one would only need to buy enough time before the Ultimate solution (be they stop selling literature in 1990, child abuse lawsuits, ect). After all, it’s only a few years away. And the problems themselves might be an indication of the closeness of Armageddon.

    Then Armageddon never comes…and the problems remain and have gotten larger.

  • jookbeard

    reports from here down in London (UK) are that in recent years in my old circuit three congregations liquidated and one KH sold, the Putney and Kingston congs whose KH was sold was merged into Richmond in the next circuit who are in turn selling their KH, they are the ones I know of in the circuit there may be more in was a very large circuit, myself since I left over 20 years ago I was called on once in a place I lived for seven years was called on more by the Mormons and thats it never contacted since in the various addresses I've lived in ,many many of my age group dropped out and faded and the pattern seems to be the same, cant be long before more KH's are sold off.

  • Londo111

    The numbers in the UK declined in the latest yearbook. The US had negligible growth, stagnating.

    Hopefully they will continue...but then I fear the Russian ban and other "world events" will scare many JWs from waking up.

    The organization was in decline in 2001...then 9/11 happened. Tragedies are like a shot in the arm for doomsday cults.

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