can you imagine if Jesus Christ returned and gave the public talk at a big assembly ? i bet he would be d/f'd for apostacy.
Watchtower Organisation - it's all over, bar the shouting
by slimboyfat 199 Replies latest members campaign
Tracking losses is only telling half the story.
Track the profits and expenditure to get the whole story.
Half banana:
three of his fellow GB members have awoken to TTATT
Which three?
careful - I 'think' Half banana was being facetious re/3 GB members awakening. Doesn't matter if they're asleep/awake and has nothing to do with the dark cult's demise they're not going to give up their free, luxurious, power-hungry, lifestyle.
Ray Franz was an unusual GB member -- he had a conscience and couldn't live the lie any longer. The odds of that happening again are slim and none.
LV101, yes, I understand that, but I'd still like his answer—can't I be facetious back?
Ray Franz was an unusual GB member -- he had a conscience and couldn't live the lie any longer. The odds of that happening again are slim and none
Not only that, but I'd say the life of the average GB member is 100% more glam now than it was back in 1980. More 1st class jet-setting all over the planet, more fancy clothes, more fancy gifts, swankier pad, comfy chauffeured cars.....and of course the adulation and fame never possible back then.
Jules Saturn
SBF said:
About Gilead, brand new missionaries haven't been trained there since 2011:
Watchtower Bible School of Gilead. What is now called the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead began on Monday, February 1, 1943. The school was originally designed to train pioneers and other full-time servants for missionary service somewhere in the world field. But since October 2011, enrollment is limited to those who are already in some form of special full-time service—special pioneers, traveling overseers and their wives, Bethelites, and field missionaries who have not yet attended the school. God's Kingdom Rules, page 184.
I didn't know that about Gilead. Just this weekend they had the graduation at Patterson and I was shocked when I heard that the graduates would all be going back to their homes. Correct me if I'm wrong I always though they would be reassigned to some other foreign land OTHER than their homes.
careful - you bet! Sorry about that -- I'm the one that was confused.
Well put slimboyfat.
They are definitely getting more hard-line. Next weeks clam meeting shows that dreadful shunning video again. Showing loyalty when family members are disfellowshipped. They sure know how to promote the 'We are a cult' label.
Dio - you're so right. Bet the GB's new digs in their new complex aren't half bad. Read on this board or somewhere they hire the best or renown designers/interior decorators for their magnificent interiors even in Brooklyn. Lots of followers to pay for their luxurious surroundings. Unimaginable what they'd be if they weren't chosen ones and actually had to work and provide for themselves like decent human beings.