If children who shun parents were notified by the parents that they will loose their inheritance if they continue the shunning, all of a sudden they have something to loose by shunning.
If parents who shun children were notified by the children that they will loose their access to contact with current and future grandchildren, all of a sudden they have something to lose by shunning.
If non-shunned spouses of shunning victims quit allowing the shunners to use them as messengers the shunners would have to deliver their messages in person. The non-shunned spouses protect the shunners from having a confrontation with the shunned. In my opinion, these are the worst of the enabling system.
I just see the shunned and their enablers working overtime to make sure the shunning can continue. Thoughts? GaryB
They have nothing to loose by shunning
by garybuss 27 Replies latest jw friends
Very good points, Gary. I think these fit FlyingHighNow's situation with her sister.
I think the last one is called triangulation.
If the shunned resorted to those types of things, would they be howing themselves to be no better than the shunners? It's an honest question, really.
If any shunner is foolish enough to try to use a messenger to communicate with me, their message will not be acknowledged.
I can't stop the shunners, but I can sure put some sting back in it for them. I have just finished 13 years of being shunned. At first, I didn't push back, but I started to push back in 1995 when my sons started to shun me. (Right after I bought them cars and paid for college.) GaryB -
My approach has always been - you can "shun" me, but that doesn't mean I'm shunning you.
I continue to write letters to my siblings every couple of months, letting them know how things are going in my life and I always tell them that I love them and look forward to hearing from them. I'm getting word back now that my letters are being read and are appreciated. I guess I want to keep a door open for those in my family that are still "in", in case they ever need support to get "out".
I love them. Shunning is a revolting, manipulative, hateful practice and I will not practice it.
Garybuss - I understand the frustration (trust me). I've lost practically everyone. Its true, they don't "lose" anything... but I remind them that they've "lost" me due to their behavior, not mine. My door is open -
Singing Man
I belive in making a network of friends whom I know will not shun me for religious reasons.
I used to bow my head and look away,guilt,shame,fear,call it what you will.But the more i found out about mind-control I learned not to play their games.Now I start to talk especially if they are in public,some answer,for they are suprised you are not playing the game.Their body language is defensive,they are unsure,I feel sorry for the rank and file for are they not doing what we once did,thinking we were obeying God.?
Reach out to them in love,and don't be intimidated.............JWS live in a bubble....they are told to this is how they are controlled.
You bring out some good points Gary. I agree with Fran, I do not recognise their behavior. I treat them as anyone else in public and when they act all stupid, they look bad. Then I tell anyone standing around, usually with their mouth open, that the poor person I was talking to is a Jehovahs Witness and those people really have issues! I get positive nods or comments agreeing with me. Maverick
I worked on a farm during high school. One day a usually quiet bull charged me. I got away from him by climbing a fence, but I never trusted that bull again. I have never trusted any bull again after that. Maybe the way we react to shunning is part of our hard wiring.
I think some people like to be shunned on some level. It must meet some subconscious need. Maybe it's like a death wish. Maybe some people have a shun wish. I'll make it easy for you to continue shunning me and all the while I'll be loving you. That's not me. You shun me once, and your ass is on my goodbye list.
We have taken all the pain and discomfort of the shunning and put it on our side so it's easy for them to continue. So how can we be surprised or unhappy when it continues? -
Youre right to be annoyed this shunning just doesnt make sense to me . The lady I studied with had to shun her daughter and I told her it was unchristian for anyone to do that I told her rules are made to be broken. Barry