TheBrokenKite - It's not my elder tangent, it's yours. You were the one who brought up "elders" and keep mentioning it. I take it I need to quote you to refresh your memory. Here goes:
I know it was the first
time for this protest, but for so many alleged former elders to neglect the
most basic arrangements seemed a bit puzzling.
For context you were speaking about how it should have been an "easy hurdle to reduce by dressing the part". It is true that you didn't say people should "wear suits", here we have this quote. Question: How do you "dress the part" of a JW and not wear a suit. Just because you didn't come out and use the verbiage "wear suits" makes it untrue that you suggested apostates dress like JWs? Back to the "elder tangent" - Your use of "so many former alleged elders" is troubling based on your last comment. Again, who were the "elders"? These are your words, not mine.
Honestly, I would love to
help with something like this in the future but it’s basically an elders club.
Now you use the label of "elders" again and didn't specify any targets, so I am to assume you mean the whole of the group? How again was it an "elders club", and no I am not reading too much into your comments. You called the protest an "elders club" and now you are keen to backtrack off your previous comments. So if I am getting you straight here, you are a newbie apostate who arrived with "fairly low expectations". Your expectations didn't seem too low as it turned out, because you labelled several people and possibly the group itself as either "elders: or an "elders club". Your first impression after visiting your first apostate event was this:
Everyone rolled in shortly
before the start and I found it amusing that most of the ringleaders are still
very much JWs
That might have been a good time to turn around and call it off if you felt that strongly. But I digress, perhaps you hadn't given up on them entirely yet despite your low expectations. Question: Could your "low expectations" have colored your viewpoint of the event and whom you perceived as their leaders before even meeting them? Wait, you probably don't have to answer that.
Some, though out, would
still humble brag about the heights they reached while still active, which I
found amusing and an incredible testament to the power of the JW mind control
Here the term "elders" is not used, but the effect is still the same. You have effectively repeated yourself again in labelling people as JWs and elders. Again this is where details would have greatly aided your story. Who bragged about what heights they achieved while still in the organization? Being an elder? Or was it something more specific to being an elder? Again, your words and not mine.
Whether it’s politically
correct, or not, some apostates would help more by staying home or using
different methods to advocate, as theirs are often counterproductive.
And yet here you were, attending an apostate protest at Warwick and not staying home. I'm guessing that you know better than these "some apostates" and your advice seems to be to dress the part (i.e. JW approved dress), act appropriately at a protest, and bring professionally made signs. You are welcome to your opinion and I look forward to you showing us this approved method in the future.
The apostate movement also
needs more folks that are relatable, likeable, and had enough clout within the
organization to legitimize the movement and its testimonies
So what do you mean by "enough clout" in the organization? Would that be an elder or someone with even more clout? I thought you were advocating against this mentality. Problem is, the more clout you once had in the organization, the less likely you are going to be "likable" and "relatable".
OK, enough talking for now.