Let’s hope in the future the apostates of North America will get organized and become more like those in Poland .
Exjw activists protesting inside a Kingdom Hall today!
by Crazyguy 110 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
@kite- i would never speak for you or anyone else but i have had unfortunate exposure to these types of self important apostate clowns and that seemed to be what you were describing. Its also a long and (to me) now tedious debate on this forum. The self styled leaders of the apostate activist movement love to self aggrandize and brag. Others (myself included) try to reason and explain the stupidity of their actions but the endorphin rush of being important in their own eyes overrides their ability to reason.
@alfred- its not simply a matter of ‘if it makes them feel better than no harm’. Those asshats terrorized a congregation and reinforced the bad image of those that leave the org. They behaved as stupidly and vile as the org says apostates do. Not only did they accomplish nothing in helping people see the real truth they did EXACTLY the opposite. They care nothing for those in the org, they care nothing about exposing the real truth to those that COULD be helped. They care only about feeding their own petty desire for some half assed sense of vengance or some rediculious notion of “justice”. They are fucking morons who deserved to have their collective asses kicked and thrown out of the hall, arrested for disturbing the peace and carrying around criminal records for the rest of their lives.
They barge in a kingdom hall full of families, small children and start shouting, "My ex-husband was a pedophile..", "I was raped", "I lost my virginity"...and so on...
And at the end, outside the kingdom hall, they were saying:
"We care for you guys". "We care for your children" "We were very respectful to you" and so on...
Wow, is that the apostate way of waking up a JW?
Wouldn't have made any impact if was there in that hall. My non-JW father would have actually punched one of those guys if they had started protesting that way in front of my kids.
In the name of "caring", they disturb the peace of others lawfully assembling.
In the current climate, their presence is also kind of threatening. And as for the relaxed smiles on their faces as they are ushered out, I recall the kinds of sick smiles on the faces of psychopaths. How are those in the audience able to distinguish between the smile of a kind, caring person and a psychopath building up to some dastardly act.
As unreasonable as it is, the protesters message was discounted heavily by those in attendance
Exactly correct. My JW cousin has a friend in that Congregation (its in Northern, NJ BTW) and he was going on and on about how they all thought it was ridiculous and a waste of time. He said that after they all left the meeting continued on without missing a beat.
Still if even 1 person is caused to start thinking it totally was worth it.
Still if even 1 person is caused to start thinking it totally was worth it.
What if it drove doubts away for two people and made them scared to ever be a crazy apostate?
That's what I don't like about this style. It's not attraction marketing, it's interruption marketing, and the former as time goes on is proving more impactful, while the latter is more off-putting. Yes, there's always the chance that someone wakes up, but there's also the chance that others turtle up and go back in their cult shell.
For fuck sake, NOBODY WAS STARTED TO THINKING OVER IT! The only ideas they are thinking about are how people go crazy when they leave the org. It was worse than pointless, it was counter productive. It reinforced negative sterotypes. Think beyond yourselves.
You know whats telling.... not once has anyone said they woke up to the truth about the truth over a protest like this. Not once. Not evem the dumb asses protesting woke up because of a protest.
There is a zero percent documented success rate.
It dosent work. Stop pretending its selfless and call it what it is: selfish bullshit. And fuck everyone who does it.
It is not only that disrupting church services, peaceful assembly is not fair and proper but also how innocent people attending the services are going to react and be affected. The intrusion startles people and with all the crazy people going around shooting, people don't know what to expect from the intruders. The intruders may know that all they want is to have their say but someone attending the services don't know that and could panic and fear for their life resulting in the intruders actually harming innocent people. A close up of the vid shows an elderly man that does not seem to be an elder, asking for the name of one of the intruders. The elderly man did not appear to be an elder of the congregation but seemed emotionally affected-suppose he then died from a heart attack-and who knows how many other people were were also affected. A reasonable person does not go inside a church and disrupt religious services, emotional people do. Such action could cause harm to innocent people and also puts the life of the intruder in danger, anything can happen.--Very irresponsible.
Those asshats terrorized a congregation and reinforced the bad image of those that leave the org. They behaved as stupidly and vile as the org says apostates do. Not only did they accomplish nothing in helping people see the real truth they did EXACTLY the opposite. ~ Morpheus
All it does is fuel their persecution complex and reinforce the "mentally diseased apostate" stereotype. They looked like that fools that they are.
As much as I regret wasting so much of my life as a JW, I'm glad I am not wasting what is left of it as an Anti-JW crusader.