Exjw activists protesting inside a Kingdom Hall today!

by Crazyguy 110 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • _Morpheus


    when people post videos of themselves being jackasses there is but one conclusion to draw.

  • UnshackleTheChains

    Watchtower reminds me of the proverbial juggernaut. A very powerful force/organisation that tramples over people's lives.

    Sheer frustration has moved these people to do something. They have been deeply affected by Watchtower in various ways.

    Sheer frustration at the fact that Watchtower refuses to listen to the cries of those who have been hurt in some way because of their policies/teachings.

    Sheer frustration that the leadership hide away in their ivory tower like kings, as if nothing is wrong; and/or stonewalling anyone who questions their policies/ teachings.

    Sheer frustration that little is being done by Watchtower to remove their harmful policies, and they simply continue to carry on business as usual. That's what you call arrogance (Not Discretion).

    Sometimes and yes sadly, you have got to shout to be heard. Right or wrong, these videos will reverberate around the world. Watchtower needs to start listening, otherwise such protests just 'might' become a regular thing, a thorn in the side.

    So how do you make it all go away.


    All the leadership at Watchtower have to do is budge their finger! Luke 11:46

    Listen to the pleas and cries of people.. Watchtower.

    Humble yourselves and prove yourselves to be TRUE Christians. Rid yourself of that arrogant, lofty, 'masters over all' attitude!

  • flipper

    Unshackle the Chains - Totally agree.

  • John Davis
    John Davis

    It may also not just be disturbing the peace. It may also be criminal mischief and trespassing. Also in many states and countries to record someone visually or audible there needs to be two party consent.

  • steve2

    Right or wrong, these videos will reverberate around the world.

    Hmmmm. Those videos would come down on the side of "wrong" as they reverberate around the world.

    How many views so far?

  • _Morpheus

    “Sheer frustration has moved these people to do something. They have been deeply affected by Watchtower in various ways.

    Sheer frustration at the fact that Watchtower refuses to listen to the cries of those who have been hurt in some way because of their policies/teachings.

    Sheer frustration that the leadership hide away in their ivory tower like kings, as if nothing is wrong; and/or stonewalling anyone who questions their policies/ teachings.

    Sheer frustration that little is being done by Watchtower to remove their harmful policies, and they simply continue to carry on business as usual. That's what you call arrogance (Not Discretion).

    Sometimes and yes sadly, you have got to shout to be heard. Right or wrong, these videos will reverberate around the world. Watchtower needs to start listening, otherwise such protests just 'might' become a regular thing, a thorn in the side.”

    oh god spare me the sanctimonious bullshit. They interrupted a random meeting of local witnesses. It in NO way had any impact whatsoever on jw leadership. These asshats had no connection the congregation they disrupted. Had they actually been from that hall i could understand perhaps even respect the protest because of the personal connection... they may as well have barged in on some small town cathomic parish and then patted themselves on the back for having “made the pope scared”.

    What self deluded idiots.

    Far from reverberating around the world this was a local story that the locals will repeat for years and shake their heads in distain at the malicious apostates. And of corse they will enjoy a through figurative back patting from fellow opostates who find some weird self fulfillment in seeing others act like fools.

  • sparrowdown

    Was this protest clumsy? Could it have been better? Of course, this kind of ex-JW activism is still in it's infancy in many ways, new ground for people who were never allowed to have thoughts and feelings, let alone how to go about voicing their objections to a religion that doesn't give a crap about their thoughts and feelings. Hopefully we live and we learn.

  • Fisherman
    Also, using cuss words and smoking on the video does not help their cause to get JW to sympathize with them, and the deception they used to disrupt the meeting and startle everyone there subtracts from anything good they intended to do. It could however incite someone's curiosity to investigate their allegations -if that is all they wanted to acompish.
  • sparrowdown

    If I was at the meeting that day I would have been laughing my ass off and wishing I had popcorn - internally of course. It would have been the most excitement I'd seen at a meeting in along time...ever. It was like a Seinfeld epsiode. But maybe that's just me, I 'm funny like that.

  • Diogenesister
    MOrpheus They interrupted a random meeting of local witnesses. It in NO way had any impact whatsoever on jw leadership.

    Your post Just made me think; all Bethelites are allocated a hall, right? If someone in Bethel could let them know where....maybe they should go protest at the GBs hall.

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