Yes, it really happens. I did it to my oldest daughter who at 17 said she wanted nothing to do with the religion.Her biggest mistake was that she was baptized at 14 ,,before she read the fine print as to the implications of being a baptized JW. This was done after a demo at a CA which had a family who had a daughter who wanted out and the parents said that " This is a Christian Household and any who did not abide by their values could not live their".
Looking back I hate that person that I was,,brainwashed into beliveing their claptrap, putting those bastards ahead of my family. 8 years latter I woke up and left ,fortunently my wife also woke up. My daughter came home 2 years later and was reinstated. She is now out of the religion with her kids and returned to school becoming a RN now working on her MSN
I have apologized to her and she assures us of her forgiveness but my heart still condemns me for doing such things.
I have told former friends that I would never put religion above family and as such they consider me as the villian for leaving that horrible religion.