Has Anyone Gotten Disfellowshipped Here and For What??

by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • newleaver1

    I was disfellowshipped in march for loose conduct obviously in a sexual way. Didnt go to jc as i didnt see why i had to.go into intimate details. Now i havent seen my daughter since because of it.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    I was disfellowshipped for saying Dan 1:1 really did mean the 3rd year of Jehoiakim's rulership and that Dan 2:1 really did mean the 2nd year of Nebuchadnezzar's rulership.

    A friend was df'd for asking the elders about the child abuse issues and was disfelloshipped without even being told about it. She was 79 years old. This happened last year just before she had a major operation. So when her ex-cong members see her limping in a shop they are supposed to shun her rather than offer to help carry her shopping. Or smile or speak kindly to her.

  • Nitty-Gritty

    @Anna Marina "A friend was df'd for asking the elders about the child abuse issues and was disfelloshipped without even being told about it".

    You just don't get disfellowshipped for asking elders about child abuse issues. I brought an issue that had happened years ago regarding an elder's alleged misconduct with a child to the attention of the elders, I even mentioned the ARC. The elder in question got taken off, and I definitely did not get disfellowshipped. And I'm an older woman, and not an elders wife either....

  • Vanderhoven7

    I suppose some congregations ( their elders) are more liberal (less defensive or more awake ) than others.

  • minimus

    Some elder bodies are strict and others not so.

  • mikronboy

    Booted for associating with other disfellowshipped persons. Later one of the London head honchos announced to the press that choosing to shun was just a personal matter. But I didn't get an apology from the DF'ing committee. I suspect the head honcho was lying..

  • skin

    I havnt heard of anyone getting disfellowshipping for years now, people seem to come & go (dissappear), and with some announcements that so & so has been reproved.

  • minimus

    Skin I was wondering if disfellowshipping is less common now. The shunning occurs but technically not the d effing.

  • scruffmcbuff

    Just to clear this up...

    The sex and the judo.. two seperate acts!

    That said there was some hotties at judo.

    Hilarious i got df for taking part in a sport which literally means "the way of gentleness"

  • minimus

    Demons and immorality.

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