Is there “new light” on 1914?

by wallsofjericho 129 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    The Governing Body are notorious for reversing previous doctrines with no discussion. Where are the scriptures on the reversal of ''field service hours''? Where are the scriptures on the reversal of ''beards''?

    These new ''Governing Body Clowns'' know that they can flip/flop and the rank and file will eat it up. More proof that they are making things up as they go along. There's no divine guidance of any kind among them... just stupid, mislead followers.

  • Chevelle

    Interesting how Samuel Herd mocks and minimizes Anthony Morris' military service saying that Tony was a not a Green Beret.

  • Elena

    Where does Sam say that about about Tony?

    Interesting how Samuel Herd mocks and minimizes Anthony Morris' military service saying that Tony was a not a Green Beret.
    Where does Sam say that about about Tony?

  • Gorb

    The childish laughing of the public, is something I can't stand anymore. Weak followers without brains these days.

    Glad i'm out.


  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Gorb I noticed it a lot with Sam Turd. It’s kind of polite nervous laugh, over anything that Sam tries to make funny because they feel they should.

    I remember his talk about a new release and he lost the envelope, he said is it here, nope. And everyone polite nervous laughed, then he was like is it over here ah here it is, and people were saying to each other oh he is so funny. But is he really?

  • Vidiot

    “…It is not the message that is important; it is our obedience to it…” (Angus MacFayden, Equilibrium)

  • Rattigan350

    "The 1914 doctrine is not sustainable , 607 is a made up year , it has to be eliminated."

    On Twitter I was arguing with Trinitarians who say that John 8:58 was connected to ex 3:14. Then I understood, if there were that connection, then the apostles like Paul would have made that connection. But that connection was made centuries later so it is extrabiblical.

    Here, 607 is correct for the beginning of the 7 times and 1914 is the end of them. It can't be eliminated as it is not a Watchtower originated doctrine. Would it have been something that the apostles would have connected? It came from Daniel. The apostles didn't mention the 70 weeks, but they knew it and looked to it.

    There were many things that Paul was vague on and he didn't know because he didn't have the Revelation. But it does say in Daniel 12:9 "Go, Daniel, because the words are to be kept secret and sealed up until the time of the end."

    Somethings were not meant to be understood until the end times.

  • Rattigan350

    Elderberry said "For a start there is no 2nd greater fulfilment of the 7 times prophecy. That was just about Nebuchadnezzar living like a beast for 7 years. William Miller made a stupid theory about it and JW went even further with Millers theory and made it even more stupid."

    The fulfillment of the 7 times being around 1914 did not come from William Miller. It came back in the 1820s with John Brown and E B Elliott and Henry Clinton.

    Also without the second fulfillment, how does Jesus become king? There are many prophecies stating that Jesus will become king. But he didn't. He lived and died and did not become king.

    The kings in the line of David ended with Jehoiakim in 607, not the destruction of Jerusalem, and then the kingdom was paused for 2520 years. Without that pausing from Dan 4. There would be no basis for Jesus to become king and the events of Revelation to start.

  • Acluetofindtheuser

    Thanks for posting that image of The Herald of the Morning DisgruntledFool.

    Herald of the Morning-No1,Vol7

    I did not know the 1914 date was predicted way back in 1878. It is interesting to see how Barbour divided the timeline into three worlds per 2 Peter's account. It would have been cool if he could have explained the three heavens that were parallel in 2 Peter as well.

    1st heavens: fallen angels ruled in human form

    2nd heavens: No one ruled. It was a free for all

    3rd heavens: 144,000 ruled from heaven. Oops that wasn't invented yet. Barbour & Russell rule from heaven

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