How Do You View Men , Women and Children??

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    After reading Blondie's WT. review, we can't help but see how the Society and much of society in general views women and men. Women are supposed to be subservient and in subjection to males. Men have always tried to maintain control over women and children. In the organization, a person, but especially a woman, that manifests an independent disposition, is considered a "Jezebel". Children that are disrespectful are considered as those that were in Elijah's day, chanting, "You old bald head!". And we all know what happened to these "children". They got eaten up by the she-bears!! Whether a man was right or wrong, the most important thing was to be obeyed. In the organization today, if an elder or the Governing Body makes a mistake, we are told to overlook it and STILL be obedient, even if we knew these men were wrong, all along!......What is YOUR view toward men, women and children? Is it extreme? Do you struggle to change your lifelong opinions that have no doubt been influenced by your Biblical as well as societal understanding?

  • iiz2cool

    I was not one to obey the org when they were clearly wrong about something, which is one reason why I'm no longer a part of it. I think in a relationship, a man and woman should work together as equals. Decisions should not be made on the basis of gender, physical strength, or who can yell the loudest. If a couple works together as equals, allowing love and mutual respect to prevail, things generally work out better, with less resentment when things do go wrong. I think children should be allowed to voice their opinions, and be taught to do so in a respectful way. This will help them learn to interact well with others later as adults. They should be encouraged and assisted to pursue their interests, not stifled as JW's do to them.


  • bernie

    With my eyes!

  • gumby


    I think in a relationship, a man and woman should work together as equals. Decisions should not be made on the basis of gender, physical strength, or who can yell the loudest. If a couple works together as equals, allowing love and mutual respect to prevail, things generally work out better, with less resentment when things do go wrong.

    Beautifully said! Actually your whole post was right on in my book. I'm going to write the writing department right now, and have them insert this paragraph of yours, into the "Making Your Family Life Happy" book!

    ( edited to add.....actually the society teaches these words......except they add the part which says.....".but if the wife disagrees....tough poop, the man then gets the final word")


  • minimus

    But doesn't someone (the man) have to make the "final decision"? Remember, you can only have ONE driver at the wheel. If 2 attempt to take over, you'll never get anywhere......Things I've heard before....

  • gumby


    I know what you are saying as I was thinking of the same thing when I posted.........somebody HAS to make the decision. I think the point being made is, religion has taught that the final word rests with the man...not the woman. So what do you do when there is a standoff? Does the one that is the most threatening win? Usually. That can be the woman, and IS the woman in many/most cases. How many times does a pissed woman win over her husband? Every damn minute of every damn day.....that's when


  • mouthy

    O.K. I am going to answer your question HONESTLY ( sorry if it hurts) I do NOT trust ANYMAN!!!!-
    I have many come visit EX JWs & Christians. But I can honestly say I dont think I would TRUST them completly- I know I say I am a Christian, & part of loving is trusting..... But I have a very difficult time doing that. Now women!!!!! Well ! I have trusted MANY!!!!!! Only to find out some of them stuck a knife in my back!!! NOW KIDS!!!!! I love em, the "bad" ones the good ones. any ones I just love em all.I think children TRULY ARE GODS gift to us all. THAT is the one thing that helps me keep believing in a Creator just looking at a little babe & hearing what come out of their little mouths. I told you my little great grandchild sat next to me & was stroking my arm & said in such a sweet way!!! "Nanny you are SO wrinkled arent you??? "Then when she heard shock from others in the room -but she quickly added "But your soft" Isnt that the truth ( in more ways than one- out of the mouths of babes....

  • minimus

    So Mouthy, you just don't trust anybody but the little kids, huh? I can't blame you. The older you get the more you realize that you can't trust "mortal man" or woman. It's always good to see you post here, Mouthy!!......Now Gumby, you seem to understand the "issue". YOUR wife obviously knows you and that's why it IS better for her to take charge, you dumbass.

  • gumby


    YOUR wife obviously knows you and that's why it IS better for her to take charge, you dumbass.

    Ya know, for a guy whose posted over 7800 times.....that's the most honest and correct thing I've heard you say.I am a dumbass......but look whose still stuck in dubland! I'll take my dumbass brain over her dubbrain anyday.............ya silly dumbass heathen bastard you!


  • minimus

    Gumby, she probably goes to meetings to get out of the house and be away from you. You're right. It's wrong for her to stay a dub but it's the lesser of 2 evils, dumbass.


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