One of the strangest things that I've seen with the "sheep" is how they would not do ANYTHING unless they heard from their elders. Especially was this so, during inclement weather. If we were in the middle of a blizzard, we could not call off the meeting unless we heard it was confirmed by the Presiding Overseer, usually AFTER he "discussed" it with some elders. The CRAZY thing is-----EVERYONE would wait to hear what the elders decree was. If the roads were terribly icy yet the elders said, "We still have a meeting", then they were expected to go----and go---they did! People would actually risk their lives to go to a meeting because the elders deemed that the meeting was still on. If the elders said, "NO MEETING TONIGHT"------then everybody would be thankful that the elders gave them the night off..........I don't know if this just is an example of stupidity or "mind control".
Cancelling The Meeting
by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends
I live in California but even here, it can rain cats and dogs. When it rains here, the roads are so slick because of the oil on the lots of accidents occur. If it was raining real hard, I skipped the meeting unless it was bookstudy and I didn't have to go thru the major intersections or across town.
Yeah, we had a few cancelled. It was a real let me tell you! My cong. buddies and I went out for a beer!
Sally, would the elders ever cancel the meeting in areas that had no snow or sleet and ice? I wonder if a meeting ever got cancelled because it was too hot? My mother was called yesterday around 8 p.m. to let her know there would be no meeting today. I can remember that happening one other time before and Brother Elder DoGooder MADE SURE we already had the meeting made up the following evening.....He sucked.
if we canceled a meeting it was made up on Saturday then we went out in FS.
**giggles at reckless**
I would not have gone to either then, thank you very very much. There would be absolutley no way friend! Not a hope in HELL!
got my forty homey?
Cancelling the meetings was very discouraged, but it did happen a few times for me in NY in bad winter storms. However you can remember the stories we all read in Society publications of faithful women and men who travelled 10 miles in jungles and rivers and snake infested quick sand holes with only one leg in a wheelchair dragging along 15 children. After these heart wretching stories we would feel guilty not attending a bore fest.
Considering that we all probably lived 15-30 minutes from a kingdom hall walkiing or driving.
40----that's how they work you. They make you feel guilty because they put some urban legend in Watchtower print that says how "loyal" Witnesses did everything possible to NEVER miss a meeting. I found out from a man that is now a vice president in one of the many corporations, when he was over my house a few years back, that at Patterson, if the weather was bad in the area, which it often was in the wintertime, they simply cancelled the meeting and did not reschedule it.
Shame on you folk....Complaining about a little blizzard =What about the WOMAN WHO SWAM A RIVER OF CROCADILES to get to a meeting!!!!( walks away thinking a bunch of wimps on this thread......( only kidding children!!!!
Yeah, but if it was a MAN---then no big deal, huh? I happen to like crocs and gators----on my belt and shoes.