Cancelling The Meeting

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I like the idea of SUING, in the event of an accident because the elders lacked reasonableness and common sense. But I don't think that could happen...

  • Yerusalyim

    I once risked my life to go to Mass. It was on the boarder of Saudi, Kuwait, and danger of being attacked at any moment by Iraqis (we'd had several fly overs...though they didn't fly BACK over). It was Christmas Mass...and we had to travel by Duece and a half about 20 miles to get to the priest. When it snows too bad...I stay home.

  • Nosferatu

    Ah, cancelled meetings! How I enjoyed those! I remember the meetings being cancelled because of snowstorms that produced 4 ft of snow and snowed everyone's car in their driveways.

    There were also the few times that meetings were cancelled because too many elders and such were on holidays at the same time and noone could conduct the WT study.

  • Sassy

    Being orginally from the midwest, I experienced a lot of snow and dangerous driving conditions. And yes, if you did not attend the meeting even if it was too dangerous to drive, you were looked down upon. The funny thing is I could remember bundling up the babies and going to the hall, only to find that hardly anyone showed up. I would sit there during the meeting thinking how the road conditions were only worsening as time went on and there we were, idiots for being out in it.

  • integ


  • doodle-v

    I remember one time in particular we had a terrible winter here in seattle and my mom drove us to the tuesday night meeting. You couldnt get to the KH without going up or down this big hill. Sure enough the car started sliding sideways... she made all four of us girls get out the car and we slid on our bookbags down the hill! hehe... unfortunately my mom was still stuck so we went in the KH and told the elders, one of them got in the car and tried to help drive the car. The car slid right into a traffic circle! Needless to say mom refuses to drive in the snow from now on and will even stay home from the meeting if its snowing, whether the meeting is cancelled or not.


  • drwtsn32

    I would practically pray that meetings would be canceled when it was snowing out.... especially if I was to give a talk that night.

  • Elsewhere

    Ahhhhh yes! The works that benefit faith!

    If you don't do the "work" of attending meetings, then your faith is automatically suspect.

    I always cherished canceled meetings. It was like getting an extra weeknight for free!

  • minimus

    Canceling the meeting is GREAT IF you don't have to make it up. OOOOHHHH----It's so nice not to go anymore!

  • orangefatcat

    Big Tex and Blondie cool expressions ..

    I felt that if it were storming there was no way in hell that I would go to the meeting. However if the meeting wasn't cancelled everyone would slep to the hall and even if it started late they concidered that okay. Our cong. seldem if ever cancelled, the elders were self righteous, they knew better than Ceaser's Law. I refused to be bullied into going to a meeting. If you are driving your family or another witness and you had an accident and killed someone well, would you be disfellowshipped because you tried going to the meeting even if the police said to stay off roads unless it was an absoulete necessity. Are you bloodguilty for trusting in Jeh. to get you to the meeting safe and you have an accident and are/ were you bloodguilty for going to the meeting just because the elders said it was okay. Whats what.. I'm confused...okay no fooling I made me mad when elders played God.

    The bro. and his car group were in the ministry in bad weather. The bro. lets this fairly new sis. out of his vehicle and this new sis. slipped under his car wheel and she screamed and rather than get out he backed up and drove over her leg again. She was in hospital when I was there, I didn't know she was a JW but had a gut feeling as I heard her a few times on the telephone. And some people came to visit her and they looked familiar. Anyways this sis. was so mutalated in her leg from the top of the thigh to the bottom of her toes. The skin and flesh was ripped away. The blood was still running and the depth was unbelievable as well as unremarkable. It made me ill as she finally told me she was a witness. She was appreciative that I was trying to help her in her bed and reach her food to her and would help her to the washroom, giving her a wash bowl and towel to freshen up during the day, as the nurses had so many patients to care for and she cried and cried in agony and pain and I listened, A few days went by she thought me to be a very kind person and compassionate and so she told me her story. I was aghast by it. It was an elder who apparently thought is was okay to be in service on such a terrible day, I think she said the CO was visiting. She was developing bad feeling for this person as he hadn't made an appearance at the hospital. Finally when he and his wife came to see her he was so rudish and hardly a caring person in the least, and just took a blasay attitude toward this extreme sitution. The sis. told him I was a witness, at the time I was. It was a month later that I left the org. This is a month before I left the org. Anyway the wife said she thought I was a JW and said to me aren't you related to bro so and so and I said yes, he is my father. Anyway this couple were so happy I was their for her and the bro asked me to encourage her. I thought to myself you son of a bitch, you ran twice over this dear new sisters leg. (she was in her 60ites) and you want to shirk your responsibility and so let me tell you I was not impressed one bit. I was livid. And I told the sister in bed this too. It was their stinking attitude that killed me, you just couldn't believe it. YOu know the sis confided in me and told me that she didn't want to go out in the service that day, but they the elders kept telling her to get Jehovahs approval you need to go in the ministry. She said it was always like this, they telling her to go in the service ,meetings ,praying, etc but no one visited her. I guess its the same old senerio, you are the cream of the crop while studing with the JW they take you everywhere they are always visiting and she gets baptized and voila they almost ignore you and expect you to know exactly what Jeh. expects of you. Then they seldom visit cause your now a witness, they have no time for you, except when they want you in service, or meetings or any other witness things. Who are they trying to kid, I think that eventually they will lose her, because she was so unhappy with the whole thing and hardly anyone visiting her. Well as far as I am concerned, I hope she leaves the org. and I hope she sues the ass of this brother.. Thats what he'll get for dragging a sister who was afraid to say no to the service for fear they would look down on her as not being a strong spiritual sister. barf barf barf.... I hope this brother fried...and he knew that the road conditions that day were terrible. Bastard!!

    Oh I am so mad at this it makes me crazy when i think of her. I have her phone nu. she doesn't live far from us and I have been tempted to contact her. I need imput. Should I or shouldn't I..??

    Well now that I have added my two cents worth. I am going to try and calm down.

    lowering now my blood pressure, I say love to you all


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