Charity status.
The Borg cannot simply exist,,, without it..
by WingCommander 51 Replies latest jw friends
Charity status.
The Borg cannot simply exist,,, without it..
You know how we know WT HQ is bleeding to death financially? When all of the begging and guilting for donations and to give started, going back to 2014! They even went so far as to place images in the magazine of the poor widow with an empty fridge, placing a coin into a contribution box! And Caleb and Sophia giving up their allowances and ice cream money! TOMO III stating that, "even the poor should not show up empty handed."
It was those things above that really sealed it for me as to how dire the situation is for them. I mean, that shit I just listed is absolutely JAW-DROPPING, in your face audacity from a group who give exactly ZERO back to their pauper flock! They do ZERO charity work and have ZERO programs in place to help their members. Yet, they simultaneously "poor mouth" like THEY are the ones who are needy? GTFOOH with that BS, Governing Bozo Grifters!
WingCommander - “…WT HQ is bleeding to death financially…”
Ironic, since transfusions have been such an issue with them for so long.
Many teenagers in the local halls stopped attending KH overhere.
Other cults are bleeding members also.
Gives testimony as to the shaky grounds they're all built upon.
Yes, WT HQ is hemorrhaging money, and they NEED fresh infusions of money, now!
Too bad infusions and transfusions are banned by WT's own doctrine. D'oh!
Too bad, too bad! I imagine the sighing and moaning and gnashing of teeth is great up on King's Drive. Oh well! Nothing to worry about, because after all, "Jehovah provides!" I'm sure the exact amounts of cash needed will magically appear like Manna from heaven, or like those Assembly experiences you hear about on stage.
Hear that Lett? All you gotta do is pray more, attend all the meetings, and be more regular in the Field Ministry, then you'll be blessed with another gold watch and maybe even ....... eyebrows that aren't totally insane!
Praise Jah you people!
Young waaans getting baptized.
Marrying only in ""the Lord"(organization)
They want the craziness to continue.
Again, I am so very grateful to God that I never listened or followed the crowd when I was younger and kept on working at that full-time job all those Witness fools scoffed at me for.. They wouldn’t have been caught dead doing what I did. They made sure I was ostracized.
I would have to say that now, it was well worth it to not have been invited to those special dinners they held for people in full time ministry back then.. These so-called perks, other popularity and being the congregation darling back then are all meaningless bullshit NOW if somebody didn’t provide for their Retirement..
It all meant zero and I was SO right to do what I did.
With the Borg preaching about dissing higher education & good paying jobs,,, they are their own worst enemy.
These things take time. You develop critical thinking skills. Being in the workforce you realize that the us vs. them mentality isn't so black and white.
We already see the Borg is reaping what they are sewing.
These dinner invites out for the uper echelon of the congregations,,may have been a perk or a pat on the back at the time.
But they sure dont pay for your retirement in your senior years? Do they??