Funny thing, Satan is providing far more, and better quality, spiritual food than joke-hova. I saw some of Satan's videos--they are far more enlightening, to the point of turning whole belief systems upside down. They are very diverse--ranging from how history was tampered with, to science being held back, to astrology, to how our financial markets are being fiddled with to the point where they are going to crash without final warning. No signs of slowing down there. Even apostate videos.
As for joke-hova, that thing is slowing down. I got the privilege of watching an apostate video (Fateful Slave) on YouTube, and seeing how lame the jokehovian videos are. In the video, parts of the boasting sessions are video'd, and commentary added. The jokehovian videos are lame, looking more like shadow puppets than anything else.
Not to mention, the worm-worm-worm jw-dot-org site is LAME. They have the same few videos, the same few songs, the same few dramas, and the rags coming out when due. I can go through the whole worm-worm-worm jw-dot-org site in a relatively short time, and not even have it updated for a long time save for the new rags.