What more do they need to see?

by stuckinarut2 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • done4good

    The current situation causes a lot of cognitive dissonance for sure...

    Having said that, people will rationalize their beliefs, and do so vehemently, until such point when it becomes too painful to do so. For most this means either something the organization is doing or done has to negatively directly affect them or their children. Unfortunately, I have found that almost any other relationship is not sufficient to cause enough psychological motivation to wake someone up.

    Humans can/do rationalize bullshit much.


  • OrphanCrow
    eyeuse: Unfortunately, the, "where else can we go" ,syndrome has them and I know that most of them will pass away still 'hoping' for that elusive "paradise earth".

    And it isn't just the "where else can we go" syndrome, it is the "who would I be" syndrome. Those who have had their self identity stripped away, or not allowed to develop, will face huge anxiety and identity issues to even contemplate stepping outside their secure little bubble that defines their existence.

    The JW cult removes an individual's ability to think for themselves or even to define their own personal and unique identity. An active (or non-active and not 'deprogrammed') cannot 'see' themselves without the defining feature of attachment to an organization that does it for them.

    What more do they need to see? I think they need to see the world as better than what they have. I think they need to see themselves and their own personal worth.

  • EdenOne

    OrphanCrow is right. It has to do with the fundamental question: "Who am I?"

    Most Witnesses were devoid of their own unique identity and compressed into a mold, the WTS mold. When asked the question "who are you?", they have little more to say about their identity than: "I'm a Jehovah's Witness". Therefore, they don't know how to go on about their life without that fundamental framework:

    What friends will they have outside the Organization?

    What will they talk about outside the Organization?

    How will they fill their time outside the Organization?

    What hope for the future will they have outside the Organization?

    What purpose life has outside the Organizaion?

    This is a huge chasm to contemplate. So they rather rationalize away the current changes within the Organization and swallow whatever spin the Governing Body puts on it.


  • ToesUp

    " For most this means either something the organization is doing or done has to negatively directly affect them or their children."

    We have spoken to several "still in" family members about the pedo issues within the org. They seem to be very passive about it. Almost like...oh well. If it directly affected them or one of their close family members, it would be a different story.

    Orphancrow is right. The org defines these ones. They would be NOTHING without the org. I know little old ladies who would have no where to go if it wasn't for the meetings and field service. It's a social club...nothing else.

  • Ucantnome

    I always thought the work would come to an end at some point so i don't see a problem with this

    So Bethelites are being decreased...Bethel homes even sold off...
    Special pioneers no longer being funded.
    Magazines getting smaller and published less frequently.
    Building work stopping or being reduced.
    No large conventions and renting of venues.
    ETC.... SO, money is not coming in anymore to cover the "expenses"??
  • NewYork44M

    Getting out is really hard and once you are out there is no guarantee of success. I suspect that there are many "walking dead" within the congregations. These are the ones who no longer believe but don't have the will to leave. I am not saying this as a criticism of these ones - only an observation.

    This is a real problem for the organization. A member does not mean this is a believer. Thus, declining donations, and correspond zeal will drive the organization even further into using desperate measures. Which will drive even more to a state of dis-belief.

  • NewYork44M

    "No large conventions and renting of venues"

    I must have missed this. What is this about?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    What ORPHANCROW said

  • DesirousOfChange

    Guess Jah is only blessing them 25% of what he used to do.

    Actually, it's down to 12.5% of what it was in the '80s and '90s.

    Oublie, with those kinda of falling statistics, and all the failed court cases, you'd think the GB would be sitting 'round the big table every Wednesday trying to figure out why they're losing Jehovah's Blessing.


  • blondie

    It is all in their viewpoint. I was born in the early 50's and things were different in this area. Only one congregation and they rented facilities for the Sunday meetings...book studies in private homes. The first KH was built then before regional building committees and loans from the WTS. Each congregation saved the money, got commercial loans, and built their own small modest building. The territory went out past the county lines so field service was an all day event, evening meetings on Sunday. I was in my teens before there were 1 million jws WORLDWIDE. Conventions were big and only one for the whole world until after 1958. Circuit assemblies were in rented facilities most often in schools over the weekend (Friday evening through Sunday). There was only Brooklyn Bethel and few scattered farm installations.

    And the WTS survived...

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