I don’t know... they might actually do it. I mean, I honestly think these people have gone off the deep end.
I think Simon is right on Pelosi - she wants to make a big fuss and appear to be taking action, but she doesn’t really want to impeach. I also think JeffT is right - once Articles have been drawn up, and successfully passed, it all goes to the Senate, and the media will have a lot less choice in what they report. They will either have to black out some of the testimony, or face the possibility that the truth will get out on their network, to all 24 viewers.
As for me, he should NOT be impeached. Do I want him to get impeached? Hell yeah! It would represent the mother of all Democrat cluster forks. If you think for a moment on all the stuff that has backfired on the Democrats since Trump ... all child’s play compared to this. Oh it would be so much fun.
I mean, come on, can you just imagine the actual articles? You can’t tell me that they won’t list stuff like “He said he grabs women by the pussy.” Pfft lol, oh god. “He said he loves Nazis when speaking about Charlottesville.”