LOL @ Brummie!
Wilton: just don't. And, btw, welcome!
by wilton 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
LOL @ Brummie!
Wilton: just don't. And, btw, welcome!
Wilton, welcome to the board! Thank you for your courage in posting your question here.
I am gay, and a former Jehovah's Witness. I echo the sentiments of Ray and Gretchen. Before you take any further steps to join the JWs, consider this:
* The JWs teach that homosexuals are "an abomination" and "detestable".
* The JWs have actually put in print that homosexuality is caused by demon posession.
* The JWs believe that homosexuals are in the same class with pedophiles and practitioners of beastiality.
* If you become a JW, you will be required to spend the rest of your life completely celibate (even though they hypocritically condemn the celibacy of Catholic priests). Even masturbation is forbidden.
* As a JW, you will be required to go from door to door preaching to others that homosexuality is "disgusting" in the eyes of God, whenever they publish an article about the gay community, which is fairly frequent.
After reading the above, I hope this will enlighten you to what lay in store for you if you should decide to join. I have been gone from the JWs for more than 23 years, and in that time have had a lot of opportunity to do a great deal of independent reserach on the religion.
Don't just concentrate on the gay issue. Examine very closely all of the evidence that is out there regarding the JW religion. A good place to start would be:
For issues about JWs related to the gay community, look at:
I hope this has been of some help to you. If you want to discuss matters further, please feel free to send me a private message through this board any time.
Again, welcome!......JIM
Wilton. First, I want to point out that many on here are JW-haters and it will be best for you to seek those answers straight form JWs themselves. Jehovah's Witnesses is a Christian religion, who make clear that homosexuality is wrong. But they also believe that gay men and woman can be happy without engaging in homosexual acts. JWs believe that in the near future Christ will transform this Earth finally into Paradise where it will be free of evil and only Jehovah's worshippers will be there. Among its members, theres also gay people.
yea and the gay people AND straight won't be able to have sex...
and they call this paradise why?????
Joker - would you be happy in never engaging in any heterosexual acts? I think the best advice was given by former JWs who ARE homosexual.
Then forget about the Jehovah's Witnesses. Homosexuality is condemned from the stage and on the printed page. You will feel ashamed of yourself and who you are. Also, premarital sex is absolutely not permitted, so even if you would stop acting out homosexual acts you would have to leave your boyfriend.
Don't join this religion. I am in it and am trapped, because if I leave all my JW friends and family will shun me because it is what everyone is told to do.
But they also believe that gay men and woman can be happy without engaging in homosexual acts.
Is that in print somewhere? I completely missed that new light, if it is. I always thought that their stance was that since homosexuality is condemned in the Bible it is wrong. No if, ands or buts. Prayer and study would "cure" them of these "wrong" desires. In time they would overcome the feelings and become acceptable in the eyes of God.
If man is not to even look at a woman so as to have a passion for her without it being adultery in the heart, how can a gay person be non-gay or even happy by just not "engaging in homosexual acts"? I think you've got the WTS' policy confused with the U.S. military's: Don't ask, don't tell.
im am a 19 year old male who is thinking of leaving christianity for another religion. i am looking at JW first - wilton
Very true statement, Wilton, and you haven't even got to know JW's yet. In the sense that other religions use the term "Christianity" - you're right. JW's aren't Christians. They are worshippers of a violent God who will kill all who do not worship him as Jehovah's Witnesses preach.....and according to Jehovah's Witnesses - they are the ONLY people in the world who will not be killed by God at Armageddon. Oh, and the severely mentally ill and/or challenged people. But if those people are children, and their parents are jw's who God doesn't approve of (and he won't tell us which ones) - well, those children will be killed by God also, because God didn't approve of their parents.
In other words - Jehovah's Witnesses' teachings suck. And that's just one example.
And we haven't even gotten into homophobia yet. A large percentage of my family is gay, (most aren't jw's). At a convention one time, a man was giving an experience about talking with a gay who believed in the Bible - and that God loves gays too. There was a strategically placed paused at the end of that that the audience would be given time to laugh at that stupid gay man.
And the 2,000 Jehovah's Witnesses in attendance did laugh at that gay man....they firmly believe God will kill him and his partner. A laughable killing matter in their viewpoint.
I'm being blunt because it crushed me. Been a jw woman for 30 yrs. Hard enough to try and believe God would kill my wonderful gay son.....but for my brothers and sisters to laugh about it was just too much. We went & talked to CO who conducted that meeting part about the prepared time for laughter at gays' imminent death (killed by God)...and subsequent laughter.
Btw, CO has a psychology BS degree (I knew him). He shrugged and said "You can't change human nature."
In JW's, a CO (Circuit Overseer) is like a Cardinal in the Catholic Church. Has quite a bit more power and knowledge than local JW's - and tells them pretty much what to do.
Don't join. You will be sorry & pay a heavy price to give away your freedom - and made to feel dirty, obscene, and a sexual queerness to be " a Godly hate way." And that is a type of quote often repeated by JW's.
We know.
But they also believe that gay men and woman can be happy without engaging in homosexual acts.Is that in print somewhere? I completely missed that new light, if it is. I always thought that their stance was that since homosexuality is condemned in the Bible it is wrong. No if, ands or buts. Prayer and study would "cure" them of these "wrong" desires. In time they would overcome the feelings and become acceptable in the eyes of God.If man is not to even look at a woman so as to have a passion for her without it being adultery in the heart, how can a gay person be non-gay or even happy by just not "engaging in homosexual acts"? I think you've got the WTS' policy confused with the U.S. military's: Don't ask, don't tell.
That's been the JW teaching since at least the late 70's. A person can be a homosexual and be in the organization - as long as he/she doesn't act upon those urges in any unclean way. Thus, no holding hands with someone of the same sex either. Nada, nothing. It would be up to the homosexual to police his/her own thoughts and "get them under control" thru prayer & works befitting repentence (going out in service). And it wouldn't hurt to marry someone of the opposite sex either. Afterall, the poor smuck might not even realize it until after marriage vows. Rather like the Kings of old marrying....just so they could have the mate & label. One gay guy I knew had been df'd 3 times for gay sex....and came back each time. A lot of brothers didn't even know he was gay - but a lot of sisters did, and didn't care. He was a nice guy. This was in the 70's.
Okay here's a waste of time
JWs believe that in the near future Christ will transform this Earth finally into Paradise where it will be free of evil and only Jehovah's worshippers will be there. Among its members, theres also gay people
No they don't. You may, but Jehovah's Witnesses have never taught that. Show me a publication that says "gay people" will survive into the paradise earth. Show me a publication that says Jehovah approves of "gay people".
Jehovah's Witnesses have always taught that homosexuality is evil, part of the wicked old system and one of the things that will be done away with under Jehovah's Kingdom. No practicing homosexual is allowed to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. To say otherwise shows you are a liar.