Hidden Images in the JW Publications

by Hunyadi 73 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Hunyadi

    I am a disfellowshipped brother and have never had a problem with the organization's doctrines. I am, however, deeply disturbed at the undeniable use of hidden or subliminal images in the illustrations of the WT publications. There are so many that it cannot be interpreted as anything other than a deliberate pattern. While I am not the first to raise questions and objections over this controversy, I really desire to do my part in further exposing what the governing body of JW's are doing. These are the same publications placed with householders in the field ministry, and the same publications given to children to study and read.

    I have created a web page, still under construction, full of scans from the WT publications I have had in my home for years. Please check out my site so that you can see for yourself. Pass on the link, please, to all those you know.


    Best Regards,


  • Gadget

    Interesting site. The only thing I might add is that it might be a good idea to put which publication each picture came from, and where it can be found in there. If you showed these to a jw they wouldn't look at the pictures on the net, but you could show them direct from the publication instead.

  • Maverick

    Please keep us undated on this. I look forward to seeing the finished site. And as for your statement about not having a problem with the WTS policies...remember, just as they add hidden images to the art work, they weave their BS right into the articles. Maverick

  • shaq

    Looked in on the sight, but with all respects, seems like a stretch. Also, where is the sinisterness in a human face or the letter "s"?

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    I could use some explinations too.


  • frenchbabyface

    The site is well done anyway ... I agree with Gadget's suggestions (earlier they will be able to check by themself while they questionning themselfs, better it will be). Hope you'll keep it online ... and Thanks for the job !

  • kgfreeperson

    My goodness. I looked and looked and could not see what was being pointed out. I guess I'm demon-sighting impaired!

  • yxl1

    Nice site, but what is the purpose of hiding a dogs face, an S on a hand or a happy bush? If you have a theory, maybe thats something you can include on your site. I'm inclined to think its the art department playing sillybuggers.


  • amac
    undeniable use of hidden or subliminal images in the illustrations of the WT publications. There are so many that it cannot be interpreted as anything other than a deliberate pattern.

    I can deny it. I can also interpret it as something other than a deliberate pattern. How about complete coincidence? Or how about an artist dwindling away his skills on WT work and in his/her boredom doodles in some other images just for the sake of doodling. It's about as sinister as all the backwards masking in rock music back in the 80's. Unless you have some proof beyond random coincedental likenesses to common things like dogs and letters I see no reason to think otherwise.

  • amac

    And by the way, the empty chair does NOT resemble a pentagon. It's more like the star of david. However, RESEMBLE is the key word here.

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