Hidden Images in the JW Publications

by Hunyadi 73 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Eyebrow2

    by the way, one of the greatest creators of our time, Matt Groening (Life is Hell, School is Hell...Simpsons, Futurama) makes sure that many of his characters have his initials drawn. If you look closely on Homer;s profile and that of Fry;s you will see M G.

    Evil plot to take over the world? more than likely....but I think he would do an better job than the WTS.

    Akbar and Jeff would enjoy it, as well as Bongo....LONG LIVE BONGO!!!

  • Sirona


    You suggest that the "back of a chair" image is like a pentagram. Actually, it isn't a pentagram because if it were complete it would have 6 points - a star of David.

    Moreover, the pentagram is not Satanic. Although Satanists have used the pentagram symbol in its inverted position (like they do with the Christian cross), the pentagram is used by other non-satanic religions.

    Apart from that the site is OK, as someone suggested you'll need to add book and page numbers. I must say that the one from the revelation book (face in hand) does stand out very well when you see it in the actual book. I think its page 192.


  • Panda

    Hunyadi, Welcome and thanks for an interesting post... One thing that really caught my eye is the grotesqueness of WT art. Good grief JWs actually let their little kids see this stuff! I am amazed I never considered it evil but those depictions are gross just plain gross.

  • Gadget

    I know of at least another 2 images like this in the revelation book, and there was a rumour that not long after that book was released some members of the art department were df'd (For devil worship?). Anybody know if theres any truth in this?

  • badboy

    I have once or twice seen odd images, 1 I remember looked like a human skull in the picture, but propably was a picture of a person peeping behind a curtain, the way the WT publications R printed may B the cause of that 1.

  • smurfy

    Those are definately some of the weirdest hidden pictures i have ever seen. Like alot of others have said, adding the reference to the pictures would be very helpful.

    Especially next time there is a knock at my door!!! LOL

  • Joker10

    Hidden? Please.

  • seattleniceguy

    Interesting stuff. I don't think I'm particularly convinced by any of them. I used to look up at the accoustic ceiling in my house from my upper-level bunk bed and see all sorts of faces and things.

    Actually, I think the use of overt messages in pictures is far more effective. I think a site showcasing some of the more ridiculous of those would be pretty cool!


  • keeshah

    I remember the lower right picture too. Wasn't it about the time that Raymond Franz got disfellowshipped? I had heard that the apostates that got disfellowshipped about the same time that he did had something to do with this. I would like to know if there is any truth to those rumors. I've been trying to figure out why apostates that are trying to find out the real truth would put that picture in there. There was suposedly another picture like that printed about the same time.

    I also heard the same thing you did... it's not really there. You are just imagineing it. Didn't know which story to believe at the time, but tried to ignore it like a good little dub. I think I heard the last statement from the platform and the other rumour from an elder.

  • jwsons

    (((((((((Warm welcome to both of you)))))))


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