I actually purchased a copy of Barefoots book on these images - -quite worth a read and having on your shelf - I truly think some are due to the ar tdepartment dooling and having a bit of fun
Hidden Images in the JW Publications
by Hunyadi 73 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I clearly saw some satanic, happy-faced, apparently masonic-jewish goat blobs in those drawings! Okay, maybe not. But, while I'd give that some images may have been intentionally added by the art department/bored artist (or inexplicably by the governing body), some of the other images on your site were a bit of a streeeeeetch. Thanks for contributing though!
Welcome Hunyadi. I do not believe in what you are suggesting as being undeniable. Don't give the Watchtower Society so much credit! If you read the Live Forever book backwards, you'll be convinced that the WBTS is conspiring to overtake the internet. Really. Read it backwards. It's unbelievable. Really.
Well, all I know is that the one of Zeus, the last one in the series on bottom right, is definitely real, & the wts denied it, & said you'd be guilty of slander if you brought it up, in anther publication.
the last one in the series on bottom right, is definitely real
I'm not sure how you can define it as "definitely" real...but even if it is real, that does not necessarily mean it was intentional and/or a conspiracy of the GB. So if they denied it and there is no proof that it is anything other than a coincidence, than that would be slander for someone to repeatedly accuse them of conspiracy without proof.
William Penwell
I have heard these claims for years about the hidden images thing. Physiologists claim that our brains are wired that we try to see faces or images in things. Take for example the human face on Mars, which is just a natural rock formation but other pictures of the same formation does not look reveal a face. It?s the same argument about finding hidden messages in music.
I recall a TV documentary where they were discussion musicians putting in hidden "Satanic" messages in rock music. Then they played another song backwards and said listen for words "Satan is God" or something like that. If you listened closely you could hear it. Then after they played the song forward and it turned out to be sung by someone like Pat Boone. So they were making the point of you look hard enough you will get messages in any thing. There has being some cases of rock musicians putting hidden messages in their music because some have done that for publicity.
Thanks for posting this. I was just talking the other day in a different thread about the following image:
I discovered this hidden image while sitting at the Kingdom Hall during the Watchtower study. I could barely contain my shock. My friend sitting next to me then pointed out the letters "J" "A" "H" in the teeth of the skull. We both exchanged this "what the f** is going on?" look. I think 90% of the images that are claimed to be subliminal images are just people's imagination, noticing patterns that look vaguely like letters or faces. But this one was different -- I wasn't looking for it, it was relatively easy to spot, and it has much more detail than the average vague "face" that gets identified. That had to have been the spookiest experience ever when I was with the Witnesses!
Welcome to the forum!
With all due respect... you have a real good deal of imagination!
Interesting enough, the same illustration of the "Knowledge" book where "same sex couples" embrace themselves is presented by an openly gay member of this forum to show that the WT is trying to convey some kind of (homesexual?) message. Unbelievable! Again, with all due respect.
I am, however, deeply disturbed at the undeniable use of hidden or subliminal images in the illustrations of the WT publications.
If you keep saying often, looking hard and searching, searching very hard, they'll become really "undeniable" to YOU.
neat site...but on the pentacles on the chairs....pentacles are not really from devil worship...doesnt matter too much cause the jws think they are, but they have very old roots....pagan yes, but not bad.
I think a few of those could be coincedental, but others look like they were definately intended. kind of neat...some one in the art department trying to get a message across? hahah
My goodness. I looked and looked and could not see what was being pointed out. I guess I'm demon-sighting impaired!
I guess I don't have that much imagination either. I have seen some subliminal messages within the WT publications, but I still don't know if they are purposely drawn or that they were accidental. Hope you will continue your site. I'll be looking. Andy.