Why bother to even show up at all? (rant)

by razorMind 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • razorMind


    I married a "worldly" gentleman. My "approved associations" status is already up in the air--I am no longer "in the troof". I was unbaptized and just drifted away. I've never responded to my parent's guilt trips to "come back to the fold", so they have basically given up inviting me to the meetings and exhorting me to have a Bible study. My parents have never met anyone in my husband's family, though he has been with me to visit my them several times.


    My SIL gave us a HUGE baby shower. It was a really big deal. She's extremely family-oriented and cannot understand the lack of family ties and issues with my folks, especially since we're talking immediate family here. I was torn between sending them an invitation out of sheer courtesy, or sending nothing and just not giving a damn. I was so afraid they'd act weird that I was kind of anxious about them attending and was hoping they WOULDN'T show up.

    Anyway, we agreed to send them one regardless. To our shock, my mother called my SIL, thanking her profusely for thinking of them, and asking her what items the baby needed, how to get to the shower, etc. My SIL went WAAAAAAAAY out of her way to make them feel comfortable---making sure we had the foods & drinks they liked, making sure we had movies and games they liked, even postponing the installation of her Xmas decorations for fear she'd offend them somehow.

    They actually showed up---very late---to the shock of all. My dad (the controller) immediately and repeatedly informed everyone that "they wouldn't be able to stay very long at all." My SIL had a game room planned out for the men at the shower, stocked with my dad's favorite drinks, snacks, and movies. She took him there to watch movies with her husband. After we got my mom caught up with the game we were playing, she shamefacedly announces to the entire room, "Well, you all will have show me how to play this, because you know I'm dumb."

    My dad was AWOL throughout the entire event. I don't even know if he even ate or not. The only other time I saw him is when he came to the shower area and informed us that "he needed to speak with his wife". My mom hopped out of her chair and sprinted obediently across the room in a manner that was just pitiful. I already know, from years of experience, what he was telling her--that "Now, I have already talked with you about this and I'm not going to say this anymore, we have to leave as soon as this is over." He talks to and criticizes my mother as if she were a mentally disabled child. About everything. At every opportunity.

    We finished unwrapping all our gifts. I had barely uttered the last word of my thank-you speech (I mean, BARELY, okay?) when my mother literally LEAPS OUT OF HER CHAIR, announcing, "Well, that's my cue to leave." My father already had on his coat and hat. They were out the door---I had to flag my mom down to introduce her to MY BABY'S OTHER GRANDMOTHER-TO-BE for God's sake. I had to flag her down to share some of my beautiful cake. It was utterly pathetic. Totally pathetic. I have a hunch that had I been upstairs or something, they would've left without even saying goodbye.

    I am, admittedly, ticked off. I don't have this deep melancholy yearning for constant contact with them--I had a BLAST after they left, the shower lasted the whole night long. No drinking, smoking, cursing, etc.--my inlaws aren't like that. (Besides, why even attempt to show a JW that "worldly" people are decent and can have good clean fun? I made up my mind to never do that. I don't have the time to convince them of anything. If they want to remain stunted, paranoid and isolated, that's their problem.)

    I promptly forgot all about them in the fun. But now, thinking back, I just feel that the whole incidentwas just so rude. Like I said, my SIL doesn't understand JW-world ; she is just so grateful that they showed up, and thinks I should be too.

    If you have to make it so pathetically obvious that you are trying to avoid contamination with "thuh worldly folk", then why show up at all? I am SO VERY TEMPTED to say something to them; I don't know what nor how, or even if I should. I'm having trouble expressing how I feel. It's not like they had to stay for hours and mingle; but damn, couldn't they have at least stayed around just enough to chat a hot minute with my goddamn inlaws? I just keep feeling these pricks of "pissed-off-ness" whenever I think about it.

    Thoughts? Sorry this is so long--and thanks if you read this far.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Yes I read it all

    Well they are what they are. You don't need to apologize for them. And you don't need to explain them to anyone.

    It is rather surprising they showed up - so that is one point - they didn't shun you. I guess it will be hard to mesh the two sides of the family. The JWs just won't allow that to happen.

    And THAT isn't your fault.

  • freelife

    When jw parents act anal it is a real shame. But they are so infused into their thinking that hardly any event could shake them from the closed minded slumber. In my case my parents informed me that if my fiancee and i were going to have any kind of religous ceremony that they would not attend. To any sane person if their childern were to have some kind of life changing event they would be there for them. Unfortunately the cult has them so caught up that they can't see past the shell that they are living in.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Well, at least they showed up - it's a start . I'm glad you ultimately had fun..... your SIL sounds cool.

  • Satanus

    I can understand how iritating their wierdness feels. I doubt if your friends were upset by it. 'Worldly' people are generally so tollerant. I was sort of thinking back to when i was a dub, and how i might have felt, being in their shoes. I was a wierdo pain in the but. Anyway, i agree that you have no obligation to include them in things like this.


  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    It could be worse, my father decided a couple of months before my wedding that it would 'trouble his conscience' to attend. I was disfellowshipped in '90 and didn't have anything to do with him for 6 or 7 years but he had a bad time one year and broke the ice. Since then he's regularly called to get help fixing his PC and we've met up for the occasional drink and rugby match. Out of the blue he decides that his conscience is troubled, fking prick.

  • Maverick

    Your SIL sounds just wonderful...is she married?

    But seriously, Why not send your folks this post just to get these bad feelings out of your system? Why be an enabler to the bad JW UNmanners. What have you got to lose? I think it is a mistake to tip-toe around borish, thoughtless people. They just don't get it. As one adult to another, call them on their poor, and unchristian behavior! And stand your ground. If your Dad is a bully never back down to him but let him know in no uncertain terms he acted very poorly and needs to seriously re-evaluate his thinking process!

    Thank you for listening to MY rant, Maverick

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Razormind, Greetings. I read your interesting post. Your comment,"If they want to remain stunted, paranoid and isolated that's their problem." Well put. No need to say anymore.

    I'll go along with Maverick's suggestion. Think about it. Your dad needs to see his childish behaviour! The problem is, will he recognize it and admit to it? I'm a betting person, I would bet, no. In situations like this, it would make me happy to lose.

    Guest 77

  • Sirona

    I've had one or two experiences with my JW mum - I think the only option is to calmly tell your parents how you felt and why you felt that way.

    My JW mum was very understanding and expressed that she just didn't realise how it had made me feel. I remember being JW and doing some stupid things because I was uncomfortable.


  • FlyingHighNow

    How about: Creator forgive them for they know not what they do? Put them in the big creator's hands and leave them there. You know, if someone up there thought enough of you to get you the heck out of JWdom then perhaps you could ask him/her, while handing your parents over to him/her, to maybe open their eyes jus' a little bit to the truth about " the truth".


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