i go back to what i have said over and over again, Why do so many of you act as if his behavorior is out of sync with what a jw does-
this is why i keep telling folks EDUCATE YOURSELVES on how High Impact groups affect folks
what he did and the mom did was almost TEXT BOOK JW STUFf AS has been pointed out the Mere fact they showed up is amazing, if they were dyed in the wool jw they would not have come at all, so be thankful for that
sad to say your parents are like Crack addicts they feed on the wt drug and it impacts all thier thinking and decision making
over and over we hear of the crack head mom that puts her child in the Microwave, and folks will ask
HOW COULD SHE DO THAT - welll DUHHH that is what crack heads do!!!!!!!!!!
WELL THE same with jw, many of us have done enough research to realize that jw are a high control group and often times we will even refer to them as a Cult- well you don't get High control status or Cult status as a group unless your member show High control or cult behavoior
the poster mentioned that her sil could not for the life of her understand how in the world could family not want to be with family with a new baby- and rightly so- but she has not been educated in how cult behave
when this exp is shared with NONJW they should find it shocking - for us we SHOULD NOT, instead we should realize this is the text book stuff that makes a high control group - where blood relatived mom, dad, sister and bro, literally are able to show NO FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER esp if one has violated the rules of THE GROUP-
SO to the poster i encourage you to educate yourself on how cult works, yes it will make you anger, but in my PERSONAL OPINION AFTER educating oneself you will literally begin to feel PITY FOR THESE FOLKS
to realize that after they left your house they were telling themselves WE TOOK A STAND FOR JAH-
as paul stated there is nothing more dangerous than a man or woman who will KILL YOU AND THINK THEY HAVE DONE A SERVICE TO GOD-
and that is what your parents feel - as jw were we taught and many of us sincerely believed that IF WE TOOK A HARD LINE STAND the person would realize what they lost and come back to the congo (and sell boks again) smile
the best thing that i thank you can do is call up your folks and tell them how much you love them and thank them for coming because you realize it took alot for them to do that-
in fact that is why i tell poster here all the time don't dog NEWBIES ok they come here and defend wt, well damn what do you expect them to do on their first time tasting freedom
any new poster or even LURKER should be commended for MERELY BEING HERE on this GOD FORSAKEN SITE
I KNOW FOR Me I THOUGht DEMONS would come out of my monitor for being on "apostste" site
can you imagine the amount of GUILT that your parents have to deal with knowing that they "let jah down" by merely being with you, yes cult guilt trip thier members to death
they use what is known as EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL Ask blondie about the book --
jw live in THE FOG
hey work with your folks who knows they may see the light and trust me on this point, IF THEY DO SEE THE LIGHT they will relate to you the same as many of us relate now of how sorry they were for treating you so coldly out of IGNORANCE due to wt heavy and constant process of INDOCTRINATION