Tell them to F-off. Dont play by they're rules, and become truly free. When they come to your door, you don't have time for that nonsense. Just tell them bye bye, and don't even give them a second thought.
Hi Shamus, I fully understand your wanting people to be free from the Borg immediatly. But some people are not ready to take the full plunge.
I did exactly what you suggested and haven't regreted it one bit. I didn't even have a judicial meeting (at least not one I was informed about). I was young at the time (22) and our family was not all that close any way.
ps If i accidently post your name wrong in the future, it is not intentional. Every time I type your name I have a problem with putting an "N" where the "M" is supposed to be (so it's "shanus"). I try to proof read my posts before I submit, but sometimes a typo or 2 still make it thru.