astrology and the bible

by zen nudist 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    In the book of Revelations we find an interesting thing... God seated upon his throne enshrouded by the rainbow surrounded by the four living creatures... a lion, the bull, the man and the eagle...

    One need not look far to find an striking parallel... coincidence? you judge.

    the Sun is surrounded by the rainbow and the four corners of the ancient sky in astrology, the constellations of Leo [the lion] Taurus [the bull], Aquarius [the man carrying water] and Scorpio which in ancient times was also symbolized by an eagle.

    That these four are only the corners every 4104 years may be important to understanding when the bible was first written...

    we are approaching the age of Aquarius now... the sign the sun rises in the spring meaning that

    we can go back to 2091bce plus or minus a few decades as the last time these four were the corners... or about the time of

    Egyptian Bull [the age of Taurus] worship was declining and gave way to the Ram [the age of Aries]-- [Moses].... later to the Fish [the age of Pisces] Jesus?

    [Scorpio, the eighth sign of the zodiac, is normally represented as a scorpion, but sometimes it is symbolized by a very

    different creature, the eagle (and occasionally even by the phoenix). Why might this be so?]

  • peacefulpete

    Yes the Bible contains many references to astrology and it's symbolism. It is however a mistake to attempt to decifer an astrological meaning behind every story or image. The book went thru many editors, some of whom did not share the facination with astrology. The book has many layers and sections written in different styles and for different purposes. Just like the solar deity symbolism thruout the Jesus story, there are parts that have no symbolic meaning and even some parts that have woven in historical kernnels. Also, symbolism often takes on a life of it's own. This means that a particular motif or story line that originally had significance symbolically related to astrology, later the motif was repeated in contexts that did not have the same significance. Just like nursery rhymes and fairy tales today had meaning specific to the plague or TB etc. today they no longer carry that meaning. Also the storyline is often recycled for an entirely different objective. This means that assuming the astrological motifs in the Bible of necesssity implies an obsession with astrology may be wrong. Also then dating a text by an astrological motif within it is ignoring the way myths perpetuate.

  • peacefulpete

    I should add that when the writers can be identified and a facination with astrology is established and the late interpolations identified then the symbolism MAY assist in understanding the cryptic message. The book of Revelation was an early Jewish apocalyptic work that made numerous astrological references. A later Christian comandeered the book and added a few chapters,sprinkeled references to Jesus thruout it. The woman with 12 stars is Diana/Isis, the 12 stones of the foundation are the 12 birthstones of the Jewish Lesser zodiak in exact order etc.....

  • U.2.K. Tha Greate$t
    U.2.K. Tha Greate$t

    The book of revelation is very complex. I only understand some of it. It's good to read tho, i just love the way they speak in the king james version.

  • LittleToe

    Though I might not always agree with your conclusions, I find your research fascinating, Pete.

    This site would be the poorer for it's lack. Please keep up the good work.

    A hearty thank you.

  • Pleasuredome

    so what date is the age of aquarius?

  • Sunnygal41
    It is however a mistake to attempt to decifer an astrological meaning behind every story or image.

    PP, no one is, ZN made specific reference to the book of Revelation, which was written by John, at the end of his life, on the Island of Patmos..................John corresponds to the Eagle. I am not surprised at all by these references.........the Bible is just another Mystical Book among many................


  • Sunnygal41
    Just like nursery rhymes and fairy tales today had meaning specific to the plague or TB etc.

    To the "collective conscious" these are all archetypical representations that endure forever in every society,, they do still have meaning, whether we acknowledge they do now or not.............


  • Sunnygal41

    Pete, can you tell I was posting comments as I read "down" thru your commentary? LOL! As Little Toe mentioned, I, too, am fascinated by the depth of your research............what are some of your sources?


  • Pleasuredome

    judges 5:20 "The stars in their courses fought against Sisera." you see, he should have checked his morning paper, poor bloke.

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