Okay -- let me add more to the situation. First my ex-wife has already divorced me. When I presented the survellaince information to one of the elders he told me the man could be sitting in the house "drinking coffee and reading the news paper".... I said in the dark with completely no lights on in the house. When I called the society about this situation(of course by this time I had written several letters)....the brother at the society told me it could be a "repair man"..(it is a repairman,probably a plummer,alright but it was not working on any regular equipment :-). I said to this brother what is this repair man working on with no lights on in the house and no flashlight seen in the house either. Then the repairman takes her to work each morning. He would not respond. As for the scriptures they tried to use to prove their point I told then thessalonians..does not apply to my situation and Romans was referring to spiritual light and darkness and not to be taken literal. So then I wrote back to told them why Micah 2:1 showed where bad things could happen duing the day "which" in part states woes to those who are practiving what is bad upon their bad...and because of the power in their hands they proceed to carry it out in the morning. Of course they have not responded to my last letter and even told me they would not. (As for the overnight. I found out another person who was in my situation, did survelliance on the house with another witness. He watched his wife go into the bedroom with another man and close the door. they stayed and watch the house all night. When he presented this information to the elders do you know what he told by the elders, how do you know some one did not go out of the back door.) The thing I find interesting is why is so much benefit of the doubt given to some one who is not attending the meetings and if the tables where reverse the committee would already hve been form.