Proof of adultery to get scriptural freedom

by scrubmaster 77 Replies latest jw experiences

  • scrubmaster

    She would not even talk to me or should I put is this way -- becuase she has made it clearly know she does not want to talk to me another person I know approached her on my behalf and her comment was I am not going to discuss that with you. When pressed she made it clear she was not going to discuss this situation with anyone.

  • LittleToe

    I'll stand corrected, but I don't recall a specific time being mentioned (i.e. 2am). Here it was an unwritten rule that it was until dawn.

    Kinda silly really.
    Perhaps "quickies" will be the next to be added to the list of "unclean conduct between marital partners".

  • scrubmaster

    Sorry -- I should have added this part I sent her two letters -- of course I tried to be diplomatic and did not acuse of of anything..I tried to be discreet with the questioning...she did not respond to the letters.......

  • Elsewhere

    Hell... it looks like you have made more than a reasonable effort. Remember, it is you who is married to her, not the elders. If you feel like you are bound by a rule that says you can't be "free" unless she sleeps with someone else, then it is you who should decide if that rule has been satisfied.

    If the elders give you a hard time, then tell them that you will talk to a lawyer about them interfering with your private marital relationships. Hell... give a lawyer a call right now and see what he has to say.

    Elders are scared shtless of lawsuits. They know that the WTS will not defend them in a case like this... to the contrary, the WTS will throw them to the wolfs.

  • scrubmaster

    It has been interesting seeing all of the m situation all I can think about is the religious leaders and pharisse of Jesus day --- rules and tradition of men -- Of course -- they will have to answer to Jehovah in the is not for me to judge :-)

  • blondie

    I asked several elders here because I thought this "rule" was ridiculous. I was told by 5 elders in 5 different congregations that "unofficially" 2 am is the cutoff. Leave before 2 and you are safe (that is bar time around here BTW), stay later and intercourse has occurred.


  • LittleToe

    It's up to you whether or not you want to be implicated with their deeds, though.
    Food for thought.

    I suspected as much. Thanks for the reply.
    It's surprising how often things like that are made law, though.

  • Tashawaa

    - Sounds to me like she is free -

    Free from the Society's "rules".

    Free from her marriage to you.

    She is not allowing the religion to have any power over her. Why should she answer questions regarding her personal life? To play by some religion's concept of "scriptural divorce"? She does not owe you anything.

    You are the one choosing to abide by the Witness religion. That is your choice. You are choosing to be bound by the "scriptural divorce" doctrine hindering your freedom.

  • scrubmaster

    So what is the arrival time -- :-) This person was arriving at 5:00 am and leaving with her at 7:00 am.....?

  • cruzanheart

    Scrubmaster, welcome! It may not be our place to judge anyone, but please remember that we are made in God's image, with free will and a pretty decent brain when we choose to use it. I firmly believe that God expects us to use common sense. Think of this: if Jesus' apostles hadn't thought for themselves, they'd have stayed Jews and "waited on Jehovah." Same with the 1st century Christians -- don't you think they saw the apostacy WITHIN their organization and said, "hey, that's not right" and left? If not, everybody would still be Catholic. "Waiting on Jehovah" to fix things is a great way to ditch your own responsibility for your life.

    Good luck in whatever you decide.


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