Well I did. Didn't find anything concrete
I didn't imagine you would, which is why I didn't waste my time.
Ah, they ARE in fact taking in a whole bunch of refugees :-). Isn't it something like 500'000 in Saudi Arabia and about 20'000 in the USA?
Well, there's some debate on whether they actually take refugees. They seem to be counting people already there who are foreign workers.
re: who gave the orders ... Trump can appoint whoever he wants subject to approval when required and take advice from whoever he wants. Same as Obama, Bush, Clinton and all the presidents before. Some are less likeable than others. I hope Bannon is disgraced and ousted ASAP.
The ideology of Islam is much closer to Nazism than anything (Hitler was inspired by it and Muslim countries fought on their side and made up their own SS brigades). So it's ironic that the left is so adamant to support it (I mean the general left, not just the extremists).
The Christians and Yazidis are the modern day equivalent of the Jews. But all we hear are cries of "Islamphobia" when the authoritarianism is questioned. The modern equivalent of telling the Jews not to be so "Naziphobic".
We've already repeated the mistake of shutting the door to those most at risk just like boatloads of Jews were turned away from the US to die in concentration camps.
Why not check who is allowed in and who isn't? It would be a bad idea to let the modern day nazis in after all wouldn't it?