Aztec, I do my small part too! I tell all my friends about him..........hmmm, wouldn't that be something if we could one day say that he was a "man of peace" who actually made it!?
by Yerusalyim 183 Replies latest social current
Aztec, I do my small part too! I tell all my friends about him..........hmmm, wouldn't that be something if we could one day say that he was a "man of peace" who actually made it!?
Thanks Peacefulpete!
Kurds claim Saddam capture
SADDAM Hussein was found by US troops only after he had been taken prisoner by Kurdish forces, drugged and abandoned ready for American soldiers to recover him, a British newspaper reported yesterday. Saddam came into the hands of the Kurdish Patriotic Front after being betrayed to the group by a member of the al-Jabour tribe, whose daughter had been raped by Saddam's son Uday, leading to a blood feud, reported the Sunday Express, which quoted an unnamed senior British military intelligence officer.
The newspaper said the full story of events leading up to the ousted Iraqi president's capture on December 13 near his hometown of Tikrit in northern Iraq, "exposes the version peddled by American spin doctors as incomplete".
A former Iraqi intelligence officer, whom the Express did not name, told the paper that Saddam was held prisoner by a leader of the Kurdish Patriotic Front, which fought alongside US forces during the Iraq war, until the leader negotiated a deal.
The deal apparently involved the group gaining political advantage in the region.
An unnamed Western intelligence source in the Middle East told the Express: "Saddam was not captured as a result of any American or British intelligence".
"We knew that someone would eventually take their revenge, it was just a matter of time."
However US military intelligence said in Baghdad yesterday the man who led US troops to Saddam was one of his top aides.
"He was someone I would call his right arm," said Major Stan Murphy, head of intelligence for the 4th Infantry Division's First Brigade in Tikrit.
Meanwhile, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar yesterday paid an unannounced visit to Iraq.
Aznar flew by helicopter from Kuwait and spent about five hours at a base in Diwaniya, south of the capital, where he had lunch with the mostly Spanish troops stationed there.
"The visit had to be a surprise for security reasons. Very few people knew about it," said Major Carlos Herradon, spokesman for the Spanish troops based in Iraq.
Mr Aznar said he wanted to support the Spanish soldiers and their allies in "their struggle for a just cause, one of liberty, democracy and respect for international law".
Later, a senior US officer said four Iraqis died and an unspecified number of US troops were wounded during a Baghdad demonstration in support of Saddam five days ago. Three more Iraqi policemen were gunned down by mistake by American soldiers about 90km south of Kirkuk in northern Iraq, local police said, adding that they were mistaken for rebels.
Six, I sure hope you are correct............actually, this will be my first time to vote since leaving. Altho, if Dennis isn't on the ticket, I won't.
Sunnygal, yeah, that would be amazing! No, wait, shocking! I'm a hawkish dove myself. I think there are times to use force but I think it should be used far less frequently than it is.
BTW, I don't entirely trust the article I just posted but found it interesting fodder for speculation. I wouldn't be surprised if it's accurate.
PS Sunnygal, vote anyway! Almost anyone is better than the Bush Jr. administration.
You might not realize it from reading Yeru and Czar, but just being a republican does not make one an idiot. Bush is going to have an astonishingly large number of republicans vote against him this year, precisely because he is so stunningly unqualified to be the leader of the Free World.
Well, they better hurry up and vote. There are only about 14 more hours until the end of the year.
I want peace.
Is that why you support weakening the military. Carter showed that stradegy just doesn't work. But you're right...we should just roll over and let the terrorists have their way...that's peace. Listen...the whole reason I'm in the military is because I want peace...real peace...not some cowering sniveling Nivel Chamberlain's peace...but real peace.
Six, I've not met a republican that's voting against Bush...especially for anyone in the democratic field...are you saying YOU are a Republican and YOU are voting against Bush?
Yes, the DOW was over 10,000 under Clinton...and then we had 9-11, ENRON, and the Clinton recession. The economy NEVER grew 8.2% under yes...the economy is indeed growing and strong. If I had a complaint about Bush it's that he spends too much money...the US can't afford the prescription drug benefit the way it's been written. Having said that...the only Democrat that comes close to having Bush's integrity, courage, and intelligence is Liberman...and the Dems are gonna pick Dean...the guy riding Cheney for not releasing the minutes of the Energy summit that was held...yet who at the same time sealed the minutes of the Energy summit he himself held...the guy wailing about Bush's papers as governor of Texas being sealed...when all the time his papers as governor are sealed (and Bush's actually are public...Dean was misinformed...amongst other things) talk about a hypocrit.
The Clinton recession? Can I call the one in the late 80's and early nineties the Bush/Reagan recession? You can't blame one person for everything that happens Yeru. I wouldn't vote for Dean btw. He really doesn't impress me. I think he's so strongly supported because he's not offensive to anyone and the Dem's are stupidly pushing for him. I wish our politicians had some integrity. Of all of the reasons I dislike Bush not a single one of them is because he's a Republican. I think he is unintelligent, disingenuous, and lacks any integrity. I think the world would be a better, safer place if he was put someplace where he had no influence. I despise him as a person let alone a leader.
Bush was the most admired man in the US...his stock has risen since then...He's not perfect...but he's doing a great job.
As your own report states, the current president is almost always picked as the most admired man in the U.S., so it really can't be a true reflection of how good he is doing. Bush is a stereotypical deceitful politician and I can't wait until he is out. And he has NOTHING to do with the current economy growth. If you say he does, I would like to see some action he has taken that has had direct economic results.
............actually, this will be my first time to vote since leaving. Altho, if Dennis isn't on the ticket, I won't.
I hope you'll rethink that, for a couple of reasons. The first being that Dennis won't be on the ticket, and he knows it. That is in no way meant to belittle what he is doing; it is important, just as Braun and Sharpton are important. I think DK would make a fine president if this were the year 2104, he's ahead of his time. But in a world (and a homeland) that will need America to be fully engaged in 2004 and beyond, personally, I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable with him at the helm (and I find no shame in being liberal, afterall, our country/gov is based on liberal principals). Just saying you're a peacemaker doesn't get you blessed. It ain't easy, and it takes alot more than ideaology.
So Sunnygal, I guess I'm hoping you'll take part in the process of progressive change, even w/o DK on the ticket. Btw, this will be my first time to vote or be political in any way as well. Yay us.
...are you saying YOU are a Republican and YOU are voting against Bush?
Well, I wouldn't admit to it, but I was a Jehovah's Witness, and at their core, all JW's are republicans, they just don't vote.
bush is a satanist.... end of story.
its not easy being the most admired man in the UK you know.