Perhaps it's because he's seen as a man of principle who doesn't live by polls
A "man of principle"? I'm sorry, but, what principles does he have that YOU are referring to? He is a wealthy Republican who cares NOTHING for our environment, for the planet we all call home. In my opinion, anyone who would willingly open the doors to destroy MY home is not a person of principle............ahhh, perhaps you mean "bad" principles? Sorry. Just MY opinion.
P.S. Dennis Kucinich lived in a car with his parents for awhile. They never owned a home. He wants to add a Dept. of Peace in the House of Reps. He wants to cut the Pentagon budget and offer Universal Health Care to everyone in the U.S. He wants America to become what it used to be...........a helper of the downtrodden...........what Lady Liberty's plaque says........all "principles" I admire for a president.