constant fear I can not get rid of

by jwbot 21 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • marriedtodamob

    Dear Jess,

    I am not a JW first of all, but I do share some of your intense fears of the Holocaust, especially of being burned. I have long had a fascination with that horrific time in history. I never ever used to believe in reincarnation or past lives, but it was suggested to me finally that perhaps I had actually lived or died as a Jew at that time. Strange to consider, but this is how I have been able to deal with my fears at times. I will never know for sure if that is the answer, but it helps me to give it some credence. As previously mentioned, I agree that prayer meditation and therapy are very helpful as well.

    Blessings for the new year!


  • Sassy

    I too have always lived with the fear of persecution coming and all the horrendous things we would face before the "end"... Even if we leave, do we ever completely lose those fears? I don't know. I think it is so engrained in us, that it would take so many years to be gone. Thankfully we do not dream of them daily..

  • Aztec

    I'm not sure if this is comforting at all but, many cultures/nationalites have suffered from genocide, not just the Jew's. A few examples are the Armenian genocide (perpetrated by Turkey) and the Chinese (see Rape of Nanking; perpetrated by the Japanese). It helped me get over my persecution complex (perpetrated by the WTS) when I realized that it is not an unusual thing for one culture to try to destroy another culture. It's happened frequently throughout history. History always repeats itself. Once you realize that you have no control over anyone else's actions it's a bit easier to give up a need to control it.

    I hope that helped a little.


  • frenchbabyface

    JWBOT : Does anyone else understand what I am talking about? Yes I remember having those kind of nightmares, when I was pregnant ... they dissapeared, I don't know when, I don't know why

  • shera


    I don't have those type of dreams,but I still have occasional dreams of going to a meeting.I had one a few nights ago,I was on my way to one,but I bailed and jumped out of the than the others,I was in the kingdom hall and all I was thinking of was,ways to get outta there now.

    I used to have anixety attacks,everynight,thinking armageddon was starting.I would jump up and at times start running to get my kids.I even screamed for my oldest once.Those days are over and I am very thankfull for that.

    Over time,these dreams will ease and change.



    I hear you ... about the nightmares. I'm sorry you suffer like that. I used to suffer from nightmares, too. About Armageddon coming. I figured after leaving the dubs that I also had to change my basic belief system. Strip away the old personality with all its negativity, and find some new, healthy, functional beliefs. The dubs have instilled that fear in us from birth, and it is to keep us slaves to the borg ... pure and simply put. So change the beliefs. I took nine years of therapy. I take courses. I found a positive thinking group of people. I read some books about positive thinking. I've been out of the dubs for five years now and the nightmares have stopped in the past couple of years. Me...I'm still taking courses because I figure progress is a never ending process of life. Besides, I love how I'm feeling now and I always want to be feeling like this. I'm living a life that I'm enjoying and am having peaceful sleeps. My belief system is one of love and compassion now, not dub-based fear. I know you'll find your way ... your new path ...



  • Dawn

    Hey jwbot:

    I can empathize with you! I used to have nightmares very similar to yours. After leaving the JW's the nightmares continued, just mutated into new scares - like my kids falling off a boat in dark water and I keep diving in and can't find them.

    Last year I had a very highly stressfull and frightening situation I had to deal with (a murder of all things) - and my nightmares got even worse. I had problems sleeping and had to take medication just to get enough sleep to function.

    I'm much better now and nightmares are few and far between - here's what helped me (1) counseling. Talking out my nightmares with a counselor helped me address those fears and put them to rest. If you can't afford counseling then a good friend you trust will do you wonders. You don't necessary have to see a counselor - just putting those fears into words and then talking about what the source of that might be helps. They become more tangible and can be dealt with that way. and (2) I stopped watching scary movies. I know it sounds funny - but I found that because of what I had gone through last year I was just too highly sensative - when I stopped watching anything that was the least bit scary or high impact stress on TV I started getting better. Watching movies or reading about the holocaust only continues to feed your fears right now. It would be best to avoid it until you have dealt with the fears and laid them to rest.

    You're not alone - you're just human!

  • freelife

    We were subjected to so much messed up stuff from the borg that i don't think we can help but have f"ed up thoughts and dreams. When i was living a double life I would always have nightmares about the gret trib. coming and we were all getting tourtured and my friends and family were getting killed. I was never able to stand up for the troof and so they did not kill me but to discourage me from being a witness they would make me watch the entire cong be exicuted. i used to have this dream all the time. But now it seems like the longer i am away from the borg the less i have it.

  • Sentinel

    Here is another thought to consider. Perhaps you really were shot in the head during that horrible time. Since I believe we have lived many lives in different bodies, sometimes I think when we dream, or perhaps sometimes even during "waking visions", we have these intense feelings. Naturally, we would tend to project these into the future, but it could be that we are just remembering a tragic piece of a past life.

    I used to have these intense feelings that I had experienced some horrible deaths--death by drowning, death by shooting, and death by suffocation. I felt that I had been shot in the back and left alone to die. These were so real and the pain was real as well. In my dream, when I was shot, I would wake up "with pain" in my back, and drenched in sweat, with tears staining my face. It "felt" like I'd actually suffered the event. When it first happened, it was so significant, that I actually thought I'd been shot--I put the light on, expecting to be severely injured with blood all over the place.

    The drowning is similar. It is accidental. I am a small child. I sink way down in deep and dark water, and there is no one to help me because I've wondered off from family. I hear them calling for me, but I can't answer. I try to fight my way back up to the surface, but the current pulls me deeper and deeper. I am holding my breath until I cannot do it any longer, and then I close my eyes and the water begins to come into me. My lungs become filled with water and I die. Once I relax it is quite peaceful. When I wake up, I am struggling to breathe and feel exhausted.

    The dream about suffocation supposedly happened to me when I was young. Someone held a pillow into my face and I couldn't breathe. Whoever it was hated me very much and was jealous of me. Everything was so real, except I couldn't see who was doing it because it was very dark. For a long time I had to have a nite lite on when I went to bed.

    Until I came to appreciate that this might be what was happening to me, the dreams kept coming. Even things in the daylight hours would trigger a memory that would take me instantly "there". It was like I'd be in a trance, until someone would snap me out of it. Sometimes it left me speechless and shaking.

    I gradually got rather used to these "visions and dreams" and did not allow them to upset me as much. I have not had too many occurances recently. Not all my dreams are bad at all; some are quite nice. I have had vivid dreams that I could fly. I don't believe I was a bird, because I went "through" things. But, it had height and depth and just felt wonderful. I would fly everywhere and anywhere I wanted. In other dreams I live in the ocean, and I feel like I am either a dolphin or a whale. I really feel like I am this creature, big and gentle and the water is so blue and there is so much water everywhere, and I am breathing in the water and moving about freely and there is much beauty.


  • logansrun

    I'm a Great Tribulation denier.


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