Naval piercings, marathons and chi

by Princess 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    Probably doc it is a personal type thing. My body chemistry reacted with the spray and it helped me. For someone else, it may be vanilla, lavender etc.

  • Surreptitious

    I explained all this above.....

  • Valis

    hmmm...I don't believe removing a navel ring would do anything. Its a small piece of skin/fat that gets peirced, not muscle or anything that would disrupt the flow of electrons in your body/effect physical performance. The skin regrows and reattaches itself anyway, kind of like having a scar, which unless it damaged nerves, certainly couldn't detract from an athlete's overall performance. If that were the case then I would imagine a lot of football players would be super pissed...*LOL* I'm thinking maybe more of a placebo than anything. Have a good day everyone.


    District Overbeer

  • xenawarrior

    OMG- Valis- is THAT why you fall down so much?

  • Valis

    *LOL* Listen here woman! I'll make you chew on some aluminum if you aren't careful. ...BTW, is your brother still telling that joke? *LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • SixofNine

    lol@ surrep. His explanation is exactly like the good doctors, and that is the problem I have with so much new age bullshit. Why do they feel the need to make-shit-up about "energy centers" and "chi"? Just admit it, "we don't know why this works, but it seems to work for some people. Perhaps it's because....".

    A certain class of clowns have taken to sodomizing the words "energy" and "vibration" much the same way Jehovah's Witnesses abuse the word "truth".

    Six~ did I just sodomize the word sodomize? class

  • drwtsn32

    LOL Syrup!! I missed your post earlier today.

    BTW, I hope I didn't offend anyone with my skepticism. It would be arrogant (and wrong) to claim science has reached some sort of pinnacle and understands everything, and things it cannot explain are bogus.

    I just don't like the current explanations because they seem to be stated as fact when in reality they're just guesses. The current explanations are not provable by science. It would be better, in my opinion, to stick with "we don't know why this works for some people" as Six pointed out.

    ~Doc (of the "sorry I sidetracked Princess' thread" class.. Sorry Princess!! )

  • Princess
    That's because green apple body spray combines with the fetoral magnetism that exudes from each and every one of our pores creating a forcefield-like aura around our entire person. This forcefield (also know as Grenaplesteenk's Aura) protects us from all hostile space elements which are the leading cause of migraines. The migraine is either diminished or eliminated depending on the viscosity of the green apple body spray and/or the size of the pores. This may not be effective on Irishmen.

    That was so damn funny.

    Wednesday, I'm guessing aromatherapy has proven itself to you. That is totally awesome, I'm glad you found help for such a debilitating condition.

    I just don't like the current explanations because they seem to be stated as fact when in reality they're just guesses.

    Guesses for you maybe, but fact for others. Like you said, if it works for you...

    Some people seem to be quick to jump all over something that cannot be explained scientifically. You need to relax. Geez pierce a nipple or something.

  • wednesday

    The green apple spray is very helpful as an adjunct in my treatment of migraines. It can stop a mild one, and greatly diminish a bad one. I have't thrown out my imitrex though. The apple spray just helps, it does not cure. I have no magic reason why it does, but if it works, don't fix it. It would be interesting to know why. Really sometimes migraines can be brought on by any number of things and as anyone who suffers with them knows, they wreck havoc with your body. Sensitivity to light, smell, noise, touch, nausea, loss of balance, and the list goes on. Realy, don't certain smells have the power to uplift? And music, can soothe u. Light can help depression.

    There is so much we do not know, like i said, if it works, go for it.


  • Mulan
    Really sometimes migraines can be brought on by any number of things and as anyone who suffers with them knows, they wreck havoc with your body. Sensitivity to light, smell, noise, touch, nausea, loss of balance, and the list goes on.

    I used to have them too, and they just went away, when I started building up my immune system, about 10 years ago. I was very toxic, and got rid of the toxins with cleansing. I'll leave it there. But, I remember having to lie totally flat on my bed (no pillows), lights off, no noise and hope I could fall asleep. Usually when I woke up, it would be gone. They were awful.

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