If I wasn't on their DONOTCALL I am now !

by Will Power 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    How graphically this example illustrates how ill-equipped JWs are to defend their faith when challenged by anyone in possession of a few facts about their beliefs and history, and how vulnerable they are to being ``blindsided" by a barrage of evidence they never knew existed and that nobody--least of all their elders-- warned them to be prepared for!

    It's ignorance of such facts -- both of the public and of the naive dubbies they send to the doors -- is the only way left for the WTBTS to make any headway; disclosure is Enemy No. 1.

  • doodle-v

    awesome Will!

    I'm saving this thread...

    I hope i can be calm and ask those same questions when dubs come a callin on my door!


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Three things that I wish I would have asked:

    To the "ex-catholic".....

    1. "Do you consider Jesus your mediator?" then I'd show her last march's WT about how he is NOT for regular people. How the WT substitutes themselves and then I'd want to see that in the "bible".

    2. "Would you be interested in coming again to discuss my concerns?"

    3. "Why is blood, which is your god's symbol for life, why is this symbol more important than the life it represents? and why would the creator allow blood to mix in the womb?" Then WHY do you dare to call anyone else on Idolatry?

    Can anyone think of what their answers might be?


  • wednesday

    can u imagine going to the door of a total stranger and discussing your child being molested and the adultry of a relative? JWS are the goofest people on earth.

  • aunthill

    Fantastic, Will!

    I wish I had an opportunity to "counter-witness" but none have knocked on my door in about 5 years, and now I live in a gated community (people make those choices, you know, if they choose to live in a gated community they are deliberately cutting themselves off from the "loving" ministrations of the WT) so I may never have the chance .

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    sound's like you pitched a shut out!!!!!!!!. once you have them pegged they fall like bowling pins. let me tell you , you shook them up more than you think. the only mistake you made was not setting up a return visit . in any event you gave them what they needed a taste of their own medicine.... well done........john

  • wannaexit

    Years ago when I was in the "thick of it" I found a so-called "apostate " in the territory. He let my parter and I have it.

    I remember how hard I defended the "truth". I told him how sorry I felt for him because no matter how he felt he was missing out by not being in 'god's spiritual ark'.

    I remember how shaken up I was by the whole experience but I did think about some of the things he said. And he did manage to put a few cracks in my armour.

    Those sisters will also be shaken up, but something will stick with them.

    Good job


  • drwtsn32

    Good job Will! I'm impressed!

  • Yerusalyim


    GREAT JOB...CAN'T Wait to hear what Hubby reports to you on this...interesting...I always loved the 1+1=2; my reply...what does 1X1X1 equal? Why 1 of course.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Well, I tell you, the very least that I would want to see happen is that maybe they call their loved ones who have been pushed out ...

    ask for forgiveness, ......

    that they love them and miss them ....

    and want to start up being a family again

    That is my New Years Prayer for all who are hurting and lonely.


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