baptisim questions

by Globetrotter 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Globetrotter

    Is there somewhere a published list of questions (with answers) that one must answer prior to baptism? I am sick of my wife saying that only certain people believe certain things. Though she has been raised a witness, she has never been baptised. I am trying to get her to see that you cannot separate the doctrine from the religion. For example, I am trying to tell her that if she is a witness, she must believe the 1914 return of jesus, and his choosing the bible students (whatever), and that the GB talks to jesus, etc. She MUST buy into it. She says that it is not true. She wants the children exposed to God and thinks that she can pick her way through what is right/good/bad etc,. of the watchtower teachings. She thinks the plumber, construction worker careers in lieu of college is a bunch of nonsense, but yet still chooses to believe other stuff. They have done a wonderful job of teaching people how to think, don't you think? In her position, it is wonderful to be able to use the 1975 "some overzealous brothers wanted to believe things that were not true" type of exuse when something doesn't suit her.

    My point here is that if anything is wrong, then they cannot be what they claim to be: THE TRUTH. You must believe all of it. If not, then it is only logical that you reject them. I just can't get her to see it. So, I would love to see the list of 100 or 200 or whatever questions that one must answer before being allowed to be baptised. Perhaps that would shed some 'new light'.


  • aunthill

    When I finally left the bOrg, you had to believe EVERYTHING they said or you could be disfellowshipped for apostasy. If you had any doubts, questions or disagreements, you had better keep them to yourself. When I first joined, in 1970, you could speculate on things that were not cast in stone, but when I was getting ready to check-out, even thinking about possibilities was forbidden and you could be publicly reproved for talking about such things.

    Good luck!

  • Eyebrow2

    I believe these questions are in the Organized to Accomplish our Ministry least I think that is where I had them when I was baptized in 91....anyone out there with this online? anyone, anyone...bueller???

  • Gopher

    Aunthill is correct. In the past few years there have been Watchtower articles and assembly parts devoted to the dangers of "independent thinking".

    What that leaves, of course, is "dependent thinking" -- depending on the Watchtower to do all your reasoning and thinking for you, and following their course (after thinking about it, of course!).

    So your wife, if she really believes she can cherrypick through JW doctrines and cast out the ones she disagrees with, falls into the category of "independent thinking". Anyone spreading alternate views among the JW's is quickly "corrected" or marked and possibly eliminated. Anyone raising questions is viewed as weak in faith, and is not regarded highly.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Are the questions in one of the publications on the CD? Lots of people have the CD and perhaps tomorrow they will be able to help you.

    Welcome to the board, Globetrotter, from another non-JW.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    She wants the children exposed to God and thinks that she can pick her way through what is right/good/bad etc,. of the watchtower teachings

    They'll be exposed to the wt - to an imaginary beast god (an image of a beast that people give life to).

    Pick all day - I really think there is nothing at all that's good.

  • Country_Woman

    You are right, one have to believe everything or you ain't no true wittness.

    We are saying here: you can't be a bit pregnant - you are, or you are not.

  • mustang


    Check this link out:

    AlanF lists these following references:

    Baptismal questions from the August 1, 1966 Watchtower, p. 465:

    Baptismal questions from the May 15, 1970 Watchtower, p. 309:

    Baptismal questions from the May 1, 1973 Watchtower, p. 280:

    The newest baptismal questions, from the June 1, 1985 Watchtower:

    Somebody else in a post has listed 1 or 2 more, but I don’t have that handy. There is a difference between the 1985 one and one ~1983, I recall.

    Also, Gopher is right about "independent thinking". Look that topic up, too.

    In addition, within the last 2 years there was an article published discussing "harboring private thoughts" or some such rigmarole. JW’s ARE closing the gap on disagreement by creating true THOUGHT CRIMES in the list of DF’ing offenses.

    It’s only a matter of time before breathing will become a DF’ing option.

    If you have a mean-spirited nature, you could challenge her to take any pet theories she has to the eLDERS. Don't do this unless shunning is desired!!!


  • blondie

    The elders discuss over 100 questions with the baptism candidate (buzzword--sounds like you are running for office). These can be found in the Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry Book which is not on the WT-CD. A PDF file is found at the following site and the questions start on page 171. There are some additional questions on blood that may not be in the PDF file (given only to elders) (If the site doesn't show--PM me).


  • Earnest
    I am sick of my wife saying that only certain people believe certain things...I am trying to get her to see that you cannot separate the doctrine from the religion. For example, I am trying to tell her that if she is a witness, she must believe the 1914 return of jesus, and his choosing the bible students (whatever), and that the GB talks to jesus, etc. She MUST buy into it. She says that it is not true. - Globetrotter, 01-Jan-04 04:18 GMT

    Hi Globetrotter, in contrast to most of the replies to your post, I agree with your wife. I believe that provided one accepts the teachings of the Bible and lives ones life in accordance with those teachings that is all that is required. If you are not convinced of the 1914 return of Jesus then you do not have to believe it. However, what is not allowed is that you preach a different interpretation to that commonly held by Jehovah's Witnesses. Note the distinction between what you believe and what you preach. Quite clearly, if you do not believe something you would not preach it. But when it is a matter of interpretation, if you are representing Jehovah's Witnesses it would be inconsistent to preach an interpretation that they, as a body, do not believe, wouldn't it ?

    When it was realized, in 1956, that some in the Gold Coast who were getting baptized had not built their faith on an adequate foundation, an arrangement was instituted there to screen baptismal candidates. Responsibility was placed on local congregation overseers in the Gold Coast to examine personally each immersion candidate to make sure that he had a sound knowledge of basic Bible truths, that he was living in harmony with Bible standards, and that he clearly understood the obligations that go with being a dedicated, baptized Witness of Jehovah. In time, a similar procedure was put into effect worldwide. A detailed outline for use in reviewing basic Bible teachings with baptismal candidates was provided in 1967 in the book "Your Word Is a Lamp to My Foot." After years of experience, a further refinement of that outline was published in 1983 in the book Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry. - (Jehovah's Witneses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, p.479).
    As an unbaptized publisher progresses spiritually, he may make a dedication to God in prayer and want to be baptized. (Compare Mark 1:9-11.) He should make his desire for baptism known to the congregation?s presiding overseer, who will arrange for elders to review with the publisher the questions on pages 175 to 218 of Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry. The four parts into which the questions are divided may be covered in three sessions by three different elders if possible. If they agree that the unbaptized publisher has a reasonable understanding of Bible teachings and qualifies in other ways, they will tell him that he may be baptized. - (The WatchTower, 1/15/1996, p.17)

    The questions that you refer to deal with basic Bible teachings and is referred to as catechism in many mainstream churches. Having said all this it is obvious that elders have considerable discretion in determining whether or not someone is ready for baptism and some may require more than others.


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