You want to hear a FUNNY one??? The Jan.15th Watchtower says this, on page 16, under the title "Identifying God's Loyal Ones"---"You may wonder how humans can bless God. They do so primarily by praising him or speaking well of him. Jehovah's loyal ones can be identified as those who use their mouths to speak well of him. In social settings and at Christian meetings, what is a common theme of their discussions? Why, it is Jehovah's Kingdom!"..........Guys, if you wanted to talk about the football game at a Witness "get-together"----forget about it! You are supposed to talk about Jehovah's Kingdom!!! Ladies, stop talking about the best sales at the mall or when you're going to get your nails done! In social settings, you should be talking about God's Kingdom.
"In Social Settings, The Common Theme of Discussions Is Jehovah's Kingdom"
by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends
And exactly what is one supposed to say about Jehovah's Kingdom? "It's coming, it'll be wonderful" bla, bla, bla.. the same stuff over and over?
Heck, even after the meetings -- or out in the ministry, the JW's I knew and me -- we didn't talk about the Kingdom. Mostly we talked about interesting things, like entertainment or food.
What a boring empty life, if all you can talk about is Jehovahs Kingdom. Dull Dull Dull Dull Dull.
I always suspected that there was some mental problem with anyone who had to constantly witter on about 'spiritual' things. -
The more they can isolate their members, insinuate their teachings into every aspect of life, the more power to manipulate and blind them.
More mind control...and IMO evidence of the fact that this religion truly exhibits all of the elements of a cult.
LMAO! We were recently at a family gathering (JW family) and sure enough, "The Kingdom" eventually worked its way into the conversation. They talked about "our hope" and how the NWT is "the best most accurate, blah, blah blah, restored God's name to Greek scriptur...." aagh.
Couldn't believe it. Thought they would be talking about their grandkids, or retirement plans, (which are btw, to "work parttime and pioneer.") LOL
Good spiritual time had by all...
I know of an elder's wife that ALWAYS changed the subject in field service to "theocratic" things. Whenever people started talking about sports, food, or cars she would gently counsel the brothers and sisters that while out in the ministry, we should be talking about "spiritual matters". When at times, she didn't get her way, she'd tell her husband who would address it in his talks to the congregation or at elders meetings. I never could stand her!
I went to visit my sister the other day (she was in an accident while on vacation and in the hospital for 3 days...of course neither she nor her husband bothered to call and let me know, I heard from my niece) and was let in most likely due to the bribe of her favorite candy I brought with me. The visit went well...dispite the sour glances from her dubbie hubbie...and a "brother" dropping by for a visit....and the JW droning that went on. I have trained myself to tune most of it out...get the glazed look in my eyes....."how lucky you were Jehovah was watching over you (yea shame he didn't catch her BEFORE she hit the tree with the snowmobile, huh?).....aren't you grateful for the wonderful provision of the brothers to help you out.....and since you can't make it to the bookstudy tonight (slight frown on his face here as he quickly ran his eyes over the cast on her arm and the sweats she was in 30 minutes prior to having to leave) I am sure you will spend your time reading the study material"
I kept my mouth shut because I wanted to have a nice visit with my sister (it was better after her husband and the brother left for the bookstudy!). But God did I get some major flashbacks to the innate conversation I used to have to endure on an almost daily basis!
ALWAYS changed the subject in field service to "theocratic" things. ....I never could stand her!
Mini... was that my mother? LOL. We had several like this in the congregation I grew up in, but I never spent that much time in the door-to-door in later congregations, so it was always a shock to get into a cargroup that was "all kingdom all the time."
Mostly, they all just wanted to go for coffee.
Lady Lee
egads a good little dub can't be caught talking too long about unspiritual matters - they could be accused of being unspiritual and then being marked
I always tried loyally to do that, but it's pretty hard. Kind of like the feeling of trying to come up with a new phrasing for the standard "1919" answer in the Isaiah books. There are only so many things you can talk about. I guess in my mind, it almost became like something to mention briefly so we could move on to other things.