If it wasn't for the Truth why would anyone be moral?

by logansrun 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • toreador

    We got the old standby. "Now you know the truth has been a safeguard for you!"

    Yeah right.

  • gumby


    Can I get some sex fried rice with that wonton sensuality?

    You say this... AND... you like sleeping in the wet spot! Now I know for sure your a sick puppy.


  • drwtsn32
    Now I know for sure your a sick puppy.

    So my word wasn't enough, huh?

  • doodle-v

    *wipes wet spot and sex fried rice on Gumby*

    and your gonna LIKE it dammit!!

  • Surreptitious

    Maka velly velly speciar wonton soup fol you Gumby....

  • blondie

    Actually, JWs who say that if they were not a JW they could not keep from acting out on their sins disregard this scripture where Paul says that the Gentiles were able to do what was right without a written law code.

    Romans 2:14-15

    For whenever people of the nations that do not have law do by nature the things of the law, these people, although not having law, are a law to themselves. 15 They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused or even excused.
  • Blueblades

    Well, the numbers don't lie in the "Truth".Many are disfellowedshipped and reproved,many are not caught,many are involved in child abuse.And as the society admitted,even some in prominent positions have been guilty of immoral conduct.

    So, to say that,if it wasn't for the truth why would anyone be moral,is a wrong question in itself by those witnesess who propose such a question.From the top to the bottom immoral conduct has always been a problem in many religious organizations.

    Many people who don't subsribe to religious belief are of decent moral character.


  • gumby


    Excellent scripture and point. Not being a bible believer, I forget the wisdom however that it contains and forget to use it often. Are you sure your not related to Ghandi?


    You like wiping stuff on people doncha? I'll bet you also wiped bugers on your friends when you were a kid. In fact.....you STILL might wipe bugers on people.....hell I don't know, as you see no problem with sleeping in gicky stuff.


    Yes....I like flied lice AND...fortune cookies too! My last fortune said you were going to end up in a wet spot with ol' Doodle


  • Flowerpetal


    Now i think that i am more ballanced in my life i think i am a more moral person on the inside. My desires in life are to live it to the fullest not cheapen it.

    That is the key.

    I guess I missed the thread on morality so I'll add my two cents now....I think immoral people are ones who have agendas to deceive--they are liars and cowards, and will commit fornication/adultery just to futher their agenda. Immorality is not just a sexual thing.

    With that said, a person who commits fornication/adultery for any other reason than the above, is not necessarily an immoral person, IMHO. But the WTS makes one feel that way and makes them feel bad and horrible.

  • drawcad_1

    A person that buys into this religion, in a big way, is looking for an ultimate father figure. I have seen it in many of the ?true believers? or ?born agains?. After you have talked to them for a while, and gained their trust, they will mention that their father was an alcoholic, or he ran off when they were young, and was never there for them. The God of the bible is the ultimate father, tells you what is right and wrong, punishes you for being bad and demands total loyalty. Not even my father was that abusive and I knew him all of my life.

    People who do not have to rely on the ultimate father figure have a deeper set of morals, in my opinion. If I feel compelled to do good it is because I do not want to hurt the feelings of another, or I have to make it right within myself. As opposed to a religious person who is doing it because their god told them to do it. The prisons have some of the highest rate of religious people in them, as compared to the rest of the country, hard to believe all of those moral people in jail.

    Some of the witnesses that have told me they would be out having sex all of the time, if they hadn?t found the ?truth?, were indoctrinated during their mid twenties. Most people are settling down during this time in their life anyway, I know that I couldn?t keep up with the pace that I had set in my early twenties and still expect to be alive. So, for most of the people that are saying that, they are just having thoughts of the way it was or might have been.

    this made me laugh

    Of course when a dub hears "I can figure right from wrong for myself," they instantly identify your satanic thinking.

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