scholar posted:
Abundant secular evidence does not exist for 607, 586 or 586. Such evidence can only relate to what these dates signify and that is to events namely the Fall of Jerusalem wherein much secular evidence abounds.
huh?? must be some kind of high scholar secret code or something....
At this stage no single artifact has been found that written in Hebrew has the dates of either 607, 586 or 587. Niether has any artifacts been found that deal directly with the reigns of the kings involved at the time of Jesrusalems Fall No doubt these comments will come as a great surprise but as 607 is an historical date as it is anchored in biblical history and is not a mythical as some would suggest
I haven't heard anyone call 607 "mythical"... obvioulsy the date is real... it was a realy year in history... unfortunately for you, you cannot provide any secular evidence that the event "The fall of Jerusalem" occured in that year. While plenty of secular (and biblical for that matter) evidence has been provided that show that the event did occur in 586/587...
And, from my understanding no "artifacts" will be found with the dates "607, 586,587" since that is not the way records were kept during that period... this is a smokescreen scholar, and you know it, because again you have been pushed into a corner with your own comments and can see no "scholarly" way out.
"Anchored" in biblical history"... cite me chapter and verse, scholar, where this specific date is "anchored"...
it desrves as much consideration as the alternative dates.
But while you admit that it (607) has no more evidence then the other alternative dates, you yourself give no consideration to those alternative dates (586/587)...
Have a pleasant day....