What Regrets Did You Have Because You Were A Witness?

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover
    Just wasting the first 50 years of my life, and at this rate I will spend the rest of it on this board ranting about it

    Hear, hear! Cept for me it was close to 40 years. That's the biggest thing that bugs me. The best years of my life gone. I could have gone to the school parties and dances, had normal friends and dated classmates, gone to the movies and concerts. I could have gone to college, gotten a better career. I could have had the cars I wanted, the stuff that I liked. I haven't had a bad life, it's just that I missed doing a lot of things that I wanted to do. As I got older, I became more independent and started doing things that some loyal dubs would never have done, but there are a lot of things that I didn't do that I wish I could have.

    Watch movies like American Graffitti or others of that style and while they're movies and not real, it's still nostalgic to lots of people. But it doesn't apply to my life in high school. I would have been home studying the WT while they were out cruising the streets. Look back at the styles of the seventies and laugh at the hair and clothes, execpt I didn't get to dress like that or have hair like that. I stood out as the religious freak in school. Now I have trouble relating to people in social situations. I still feel like I don't fit in, even though I want no part of the religion that so f**ked me up. But, instead of dwelling on it, I hope to improve my social skills and try to fit in with normal society and enjoy what's left of my life.

  • TresHappy

    Here I go again, misreading topic threads wrong again - I thought it said "What rugrats did you have because you were a Witness?" Here are mine, starting off their apostasy rather well by attending a costume party for Halloween!

  • dustyb

    getting involved with a witness girl i know that i'm a good man, and that i treat my g/f with the upmost respect that she deserves, but no matter what i don't think i have the strength to get her out of the organization because her whole family is there, and all of her friends. this blows.............. kinda makes me wanna go blow up the brooklyn HQ, or else go give mr. hendschell's car a good firecracker (w/o him in it of coruse)

  • minimus

    dusty----not nice to say----even in jest.

  • acsot

    I regret not going to university. I had to be the super-dub and pioneer and serve where the need was great. I also regret not getting to know my brother better because of the impenetrable religious wall I kept between us; like JH, not celebrating the holidays, not wanting to get together too often because he was "worldly". Sucks big time, freaking cult.

  • notperfectyet


    are you my brother?

    I hate the fact that I was very intelligent, and made to quit school in the ninth grade because I was in twelth grade classes and they didn't no where to put me. My parnets did, in pioneering and marrying the first elders son who was always in trouble for screwing around. The elders decided he needed to marry a goood pioneer elder's daughter. I was the lamb at 16.


    I have trashed you before,

    Why don't you tell us as your years as an elder how many young girls you sentenced to years of abuse?

    Until it became personal with your daughter and you found a computer?

  • minimus

    notperfectyet---how many do you daily stalk? You still need a lot of help.

  • notperfectyet

    Daily stalk??????

    See how many posts I have compared to you.

    When I needed help, I guess you were out in the service????

  • freelife

    I regret that i had to marry a jw. With my luck she was a total PSYCHO!!!!! She even admitted to me when we were breaking up that she was crazy!!! but she was a "good" pioneer sister LMAO. I also regret not playing sports in school. And i regret getting cheated out of living life to its fullest.

  • minimus

    You should get help now instead of transferring all of your anger on others. Seriously, get yourself some good mental health.

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