That I was not "ENCOURAGED" to get an education because "ARMEGEDDON" was always "just around the corner", we were always living on "the threshold of the new system of things", so there is no point to it, right?
Well, shit, here I am 36 years later, and I was never supposed to have turned 18 in this system of things.
I now often "encourage" my kids to get a good education and make the circumstances right for them to attend college. I tell them if they do not get an education, they will have to be broke, ignorant and stupid right up until the end comes in 2034.
I also regret that I was compelled to bring my x-wife into "The Truth". It brainwashed her, she turned it against me and our children and became a stark raving fanatical lunatic who lies 50x more now than she did when she was "worldly".
K, let's go get some breakfast!