"Weak People Become Jehovah's Witnesses"

by minimus 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • notperfectyet

    Did you answer the question Mini???????????????

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Its like the famous quote "religon is the opium of the people". Folks who turn to religon in general like the feeling it gives them, and maybe even the JW's give people a certain "high". I've learned to get this "high" other ways. Hiking and walking with my dog, reading and posting on this board, taking a road trip, surfing the net.

    The sad thing is that the Jw's go a little further in that they go beyond just establishing a "rule book" but control so many aspects of its members thus destroying thier lives as they sink deeper into it and further destroying the lives of family members. I was shocked to read so many homeless stories in the homeless thread and to find that almost all of them, including mine, had to do with disagreements with family members or friends and the end result is someone being HOMELESS.

    Is this a religon of true love or a cult of controlling people?

  • Gopher

    I think it's true that weak people often DEPEND on religions, including JW's, to set the boundaries and direction of their life course.

    The more strength you have personally, the less someone needs to lean on a religion to supply parameters and direction.

    The appeal of the JW's "paradise" promise can engulf anyone who would like to see a miraculous end to this world's problems. All kinds of people, not just weak ones, wish for an end to this world's problems.

  • Maverick

    Right on Sara Annie! That's the word I was thinking. The J-duds catch a person in a weaken state. A time when they are vulnerable to the lies and need some love! It is easy to mistake the love bombing for real love when you are in pain! Maverick


    At the risk of saying the wrong thing.............................. I think people that come into the borg (as opposed to those raised in) are either weak or unwell emotionally. And I'm one of the ones who was unwell when I joined.

    That's not to say we were weak people, just our emotions were. And the dubs are trained to work on these ones. God, they have meetings to teach them what questions to ask and what to look out for as a possible 'weak' spot.

    But then I also believe it takes guts and a huge amount of strength for anyone (raised or converted) to leave such a high control group. And we here are an excellent example of a collective of bloody strong and gutsy people...................................

    There are very few people who can understand the tremendous strength it takes to escape. And come out alive or sane

    Most of us here do. TY Avishai....................................

    .........................................................and the rest of us survivors.

    Cheers, Bliss

  • sandy

    IMHO I think religion fills an emotional need for people. I believe that people who join the religion in their adult life are weak in some way. Those who are raised and continue in the org are emotionally weak in some way as well.

    Religion teaches people to be needy. How else are they going to keep you coming to church and giving them your money?

    Do not the jdubs quote a scripture about the weak are the ones who find the kingdom of God.

    I remember one bonehead elder quoting this scripture one time during his sunday sermon. He really had such a way with words he made all of us boneheads feel good about ourselves for being weak and vulnerable.

  • ScoobySnax

    .....It was never easy to be a Witness. You all know that.

    From trying to do your best, trying to live up to all the expectations, trying to do "what was right". Knocking on doors and feeling terrified at who would answer the door and what sort of response was instore for me. I like others here must have been brave souls to do all that, certainly not weak.

    To me weak became the word I associate with NOT being a Witness anymore,IMHO. It was far easier out than in. So Minimus "Weak People Become Jehovah's Witnesses" no. Not at all from my experience.

  • Special K
    Special K

    I not sure weak is the right word..... for some yes..

    I find alot were vunerable when J.W.'s approached them.

    Some recovering from some sort of trauma...

    some befuddled by all the attention... and then there was people like ME.

    My parents took the religion.. and then dragged me and all my young sibblings into it...WAAAAHHHH!!!

    special K

  • amac

    Yes, weak people do become JWs. But so do strong people, smart people, dumb people, gullible people, skeptical people. There are lots of reasons why people become JWs. And anyone who tries to generalize 6 million people must be retarded.

  • alias

    All kinds of people become Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Some may be predispositioned with certain criteria that draw them in further. Others are searching and are attracted by the security and "answers" to life's mysteries.

    I know many JWs who are neither weak mentally or emotionally. In fact, they are quite intelligent and fun to be around.


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