I agree, cofty. Believing in God should actually make a person reasonable, not hard and stubborn. We should use the minds that we have.
Jehovah God is Real
by TakeOffTheCrown 138 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Simple question for TOTC:
Does Jehovah maintain a "worship me or die" policy?
Cold Steel
No one can prove anything. But if someone believes in God, railing against them isn't going to change minds on either side. Some people like believing in God. It brings them satisfaction and adds spiritual fulfillment to their lives just as evolution brings happiness and fulfillment to Cofty. In fact, if science were to prove evolution completely and inarguably FALSE...and I mean incontestably, incontrovertibly, undeniably and unquestionably FALSE, I'd actually feel sorry for Cofty. So who am I to take that from him?
The same is true TOffTC. If believing in Yahweh and his earthly theocratic kingdom rings his bell, GREAT. At least he's got the guts to come on a board like this with the equivalent of a “Kick Me!” sign on his back.
After seeing those Hillary supporters crying and sobbing, I'm kind of dreading the Second Coming. There will be a major Kleenex shortage!
Anyone has the right to believe anything, just don't believe you can convince others without evidence, and then ridicule them for not believing you.
Jehovah is not real. There is nothing to prove. What is real is that within the next 100 years, everyone posting on this thread will be dead. Someone should think about that a million years from now. -
No one can prove anything. - Coldsteel
Not true. I can prove the god of christian theism does not exist. Clearly you haven't be paying attention. Proving that your brand of mormon theism - with its batshit crazy doctrines - is false is childsplay.
But if someone believes in God, railing against them isn't going to change minds on either side.
Millions of theists have become atheists as a result of being exposed to evidence. Don't judge others by your own ideological, intransigence.
It brings them satisfaction and adds spiritual fulfillment to their lives just as evolution brings happiness and fulfillment to Cofty. - Coldsteel
Theists believe in an god despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I accept evolution because of incontrovertible evidence proving that it is a fact. There is no equivalence between the two positions.
In fact, if science were to prove evolution completely and inarguably FALSE...and I mean incontestably, incontrovertibly, undeniably and unquestionably FALSE, I'd actually feel sorry for Cofty.
Why? I would be unbelievably excited to learn new things.
So who am I to take that from him?
If you have evidence that evolution is wrong please share it now. I don't want to be wrong any longer than necessary. That is the difference between a faith-based worldview and an evidence-based one.
I'm kind of dreading the Second Coming. There will be a major Kleenex shortage!
Thank you for illustrating the foolishness of a faith-based, evidence-free belief system
He must be real because I read in the Bible that he loves the smell of burning fat in his nostrils. We humans have nostrils and we are real so by deduction this means Jehovah is also real.
Also the Bible is inspired because it says it in the Bible.
The same is true TOffTC. If believing in Yahweh and his earthly theocratic kingdom rings his bell, GREAT. At least he's got the guts to come on a board like this with the equivalent of a “Kick Me!” sign on his back.
Thanks for the laugh!
The very fact that theological evolution over thousands of years has been documented shows that it is purely man-made. Like biology, theology is not irreducibly complex.
You don't need God. You're good without it, I promise you. It's okay.