It was fun, it was real, it was real fun...

by gentlesoul 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • gentlesoul

    Hey everyone, I don't know why I feel the need to come here and say this as I don't frequent this site anyways but I guess out of respect I feel to say what I got to say. I have never been in a lot of your shoes and I thank God for that. I am sorry that you all have been put through what you experienced in being a Jehovahs Witness. I think it is so sad what they have done to so many people.

    I thought that coming here I could help some by teaching and expressing my beliefs and Gods word, and I really don't need the view points of some of those who disagree about what or where Gods word is or how it is a lie or something because the bible is my gold, it is my life and I choose to put my faith in it just the same as some of you choose not to put your faith in it.

    But I have decided that this is not the place I choose to dwell, not that I am any better than any of you as I am not by far. I am noone to judge anyone else but that I have better things in my life to do. I have dreams to fulfill, I have needs and wants and there is way more to life than to dwell here where there is nothing. You see for me this site is nothing more than a place to share misery to dwell on things of the past. There is a lot more out there in this life than to sit here in front of this damned ol computer and talk about nothing.

    My true wish and desire for everyone here is this. If this is where you find life at then I say go for it ! What ever makes you feel better or makes you feel wanted , Go for it. You got to go for something in life I just hope that each of you will find your true inner peace and that yopu find health from the disaster that the borg led you into. But folks let me tell you, there are many more things out there than this place. There is a whole world waiting just for you to make your place in it, go out and explore it find something in life that makes you a whole person and not just a log in front of your computer. There is more to life than to complain or to be jealous of, or to worry about. You need not worry any more since leaving the borg you are a free person now and a new life ahead of you.

    Now as I go I wish and hope for all of you that you find in life what is really yours to find and that good health, good fortunes and true peace follows each of you. In God's speed I leave you....


  • amac

    Thanks......I think.....

  • Euphemism

    I'm not really sure what to say to such condescension. I'm sure you have good intentions, however. So I'll just say, good luck and Godspeed.

  • bigboi

    He's rocked to his soul.

  • Sassy

    Gentlesoul your profile says this:

    I never was a Jehovah Witness but know some who are. I just happen to stumble across this site and wanted to see what all the mumbo jumbo was going in here...

    Because you were never a JW, you really have no idea what we went through. Even knowing JWs is not the same as being one or being married to one. I do not fault you for your lack of understanding. My boyfriend doesn't understand and he loves me to a depth I thought wasn't possible in life. You have to have walked in our shoes. Because it is hard to explain this/almost impossible to explain to non JWs, sometimes it is difficult to deal with the scars that we have from being JWs. It is truly a brainwashing process we have been through. This is in many ways like our therapy group. Some are angry, others are not and most of us have some threads we stay away from because it might not be our thing, but the point is, we each have a need to deal with things and in different ways.

    It doesn't mean that we do not have a life beyond this discussion board or that we even discuss JW stuff when we are not here. This is our venting place and it helps. Before I came here I thought I was going crazy with feelings I didn't understand and had no idea others understood..

    so please understand the way..

    You received a little window of what some of us are dealing with. Fortunately you have had a spiritual life in which you were not enjailed but instead found your needs fullfilled. I am really happy for you and hope one day I can feel that I can say I have found a healthy outlet in my way of worshiping God.

  • willyloman

    (not so) gentle soul:

    Gee, thanks. Don't think you thought much about this before you sat down with keyboard in hand, but THIS IS A RECOVERY ROOM. People have been hurt and they are here to vent and get better.

    If you can't contribute to that, you should probably keep moving.

  • Aztec

    Gentlesoul, thank you for spending some time here. I know I wasn't as nice to you as I should have been. Have a great life and I wish you peace.


  • Mulan
    Because you were never a JW, you really have no idea what we went through


    because the bible is my gold, it is my life and I choose to put my faith in it

    Most of us are not open to hearing about anyone's religion or their experience with God, especially someone who has never been a JW. I know you meant well, but you are probably right to move on to people who are interested in your particular passion.

  • Huxley

    See you in the funny papers.

  • avishai

    Don't let the door hit you on the ass on yer way out!

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