It was fun, it was real, it was real fun...

by gentlesoul 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    I should of just said [edited] you ...

    ...edit some of my words ...what a punk for doing that....

    ...prefer someone telling how much of a jerk you are...


    Gods peace be with you anyways....

    Actually, I have found my own inner peace already.

    I'd prefer not to have the kind of faux peace you have displayed here tonight and are now extending to us.

    Thx anyways


  • drwtsn32


    I'm not surprised you don't feel so comfortable here... many people here don't seem to be involved with or interested in Christianity. You might try another ex-JW site that is for Christians:

    You will have to copy and paste the URL into your browser.

    Good luck!

  • Aztec

    Gentlesoul, please reread this thread. You got a few kind replies.


  • cypher50

    It just seems that this wasn't the site for you, gentlesoul; ex-JWs are usually the last people who need more people coming to 'teach' them. This type of site is just the type of thing an ex & current JW needs; if posters here aren't brutally honest then there aren't many other places to turn. Yes, sometimes it does smack of too much cynicism & bitterness but the majority of people here have lost much in their dealings with the Watchtower Society and honestly need a place to vent their feelings.

    I do note a sincere note in the original post so I don't think you mean harm...just picked the wrong forum for your intentions. Hope you find what you are looking for in life...

  • kingschtno

    I think you guys ought to give the person a break it sounds to me like he was being pretty sincere

  • Nosferatu
    I thought that coming here I could help some by teaching and expressing my beliefs and Gods word, and I really don't need the view points of some of those who disagree about what or where Gods word is or how it is a lie or something because the bible is my gold, it is my life and I choose to put my faith in it just the same as some of you choose not to put your faith in it.

    You have as much right to express your beliefs about god as we have as much right to express our disbelief in god. Discussion isn't a one way street. We're not your pets.

    I have dreams to fulfill, I have needs and wants and there is way more to life than to dwell here where there is nothing. You see for me this site is nothing more than a place to share misery to dwell on things of the past. There is a lot more out there in this life than to sit here in front of this damned ol computer and talk about nothing.

    We also have dreams, needs, and wants, and I agree that there is much more to life than sitting in front of the computer. However, the computer offers us ideas, thoughts, and examples to help us steer our lives in the direction that we want. Information isn't any good if we don't put it to use, and there is no way that you can make a judgement on all of us without seeing each of us in our daily actions and transactions.

    You got to go for something in life I just hope that each of you will find your true inner peace and that yopu find health from the disaster that the borg led you into.

    ...and that I've accomplished, but it doesn't stop there. It's not perfect and it never will be, but I can continue to make improvements to myself and my life. Improving myself gives me a purpose in life. I've also discovered the joy of helping out other people who may have problems that I've overcome. Being without a religion is a choice, not a problem.

    Take care.

  • Sassy

    I think some of you guys were a little harsh with gentlesoul.. however perhaps more went on in the background I am not aware of so I will reserve judgement. If it didn't.. as much as he needs to realize that he has never been in our shoes so he has no right to judge us.. we haven't been in his either. We are ultra sensitive because of our scars.. yes it can be compared to something as traumatic as a rape although I kind of think abused might fit even better.....

    I was thinking about the comment that cypher50 wrote..

    ex-JWs are usually the last people who need more people coming to 'teach'
    do you think this would be our payback for bugging people about the Bible and God's Kingdom??
  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D
    ex-JWs are usually the last people who need more people coming to 'teach'

    do you think this would be our payback for bugging people about the Bible and God's Kingdom??

    LOL, that's pretty good Sassy!

    OMG, were are in our own personal hell;

    ...where we will be 'witnessed to' double the amount of hours that we ever recorded on our timecards

    AHHHHHHHHHH, no; make it stop

  • amac

    Gentlesoul, many people on this board were/are as spiritual and as close to God as you can possibly be. Many on this board had/have biblical knowledge that would make the average Christian's head spin. Many have come to their own conclusions on spirituality and on God, despite an organization telling them what they need to think.

    To have someone else come along, view them as "lost sheep" and attempt to impart some spiritual gift can naturally raise some hairs on the back of the necks of some, including me. It's OK to express what you think, and highly encouraged...just remember that is exactly what it is...what YOU THINK.

  • LittleToe


    Are you so blinded from being a JW that you have become overly sensitive ?

    Some of us are, yes, but no longer blind, thanks.
    It's an unforgettable experience, that you have no comprehension of.
    You'd have been better off leaving with an apology, rather than further expressing your lack of understanding.

    Notwithstanding - "all the best..."

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