Ahh, I just checked out and beliefnet and found the debate board you mentioned, RedhorseWoman - I see you are a host! :)
Um...yes, yes I am....and it caused quite an uproar for awhile, but they've gotten used to it. For some reason, the JWs seemed to think that a host had to be absolutely neutral--which, if you check around, you'll find is almost impossible for me. Being neutral, however, is not a requirement for a host there, and they actually encourage spirited discussions, so it's pretty interesting. Most of the JWs there seem pretty open-minded and they don't mind discoursing with "apostates." That doesn't mean, however, that getting them to acknowledge a point is any easier than anywhere else. LOL
As is typical, however, the two boards that are reserved for JWs only--the JW and Learn About JWs boards--are pretty quiet. The debate board, however, can get wild at times.