A friend of mine is becoming a JW, but her boyfriend is not, will this cause problems?
Please can someone help me with this question?
by finger 24 Replies latest jw friends
HELL yea it'll cause problems. (i'm in the exact same situation, my g/f is a JW and i'm not). If they like each other enough the first thing they need to do is sit down and talk about the religion itself and how important they are to each other, or else it'll come to shit later on down the line. If you need any advice just PM me or email me at (PM me =D) and i'll see if i can help you guys out w/ any questions.
Nathan Natas
yes it will.
Can anyone say what sort of problems? Thx for your replies
first of all, if she's just starting, you need to pound your friend with information. Because at first before you are actually "in" you are flooded with friendliness and fake smiles and such. They beat around the bush for awhile, but then it sinks in that you's not gonna get out.
Problems = religion. They take the bible for themselves, so if you are not a JW, you are not "in the Lord". They refer to this statement i think as being a Jehovahs Witness, but i believe this statement of "in the Lord" as being a follower of Lord Jesus.
It will become the 3 of them...Man, Woman, and the Elders. They'll tell you that the 3rd is God, but its just the elders making decisions for you guys
Unless you guys sneak around you'll never be alone. NEVER EVER EVER. its a bad no-no to be alone when you are a dating couple as a JW
Eventually if your friends decide to get married the JW will get ridiculed and "marked" and such because she has an "unbeliving" husband. It starts to happen when you have an ubeliving boyfriend/girlfriend, but it really sets in when the relationship is deep.
The non-believer is going to start hearing rubbish about the End and Jesus returning in 1914 and such, and thats going to be all she'll talk about because thats what they "program" her to talk. If you aren't out in service you need to be indirectly witnessing.
If you want more info, like i said, get ahold of me thru email ^^.
In order to understand what kind of problems you need to know about the cult that your friend is joining. First of all, the cult does not allow for freedom of decisions. They decide what its members are allowed to do and what they are not allowed to do. Anyone who does not follow said rules is punished either privately or publically or they are thrown out of the cult altogether and not allowed any contact with the members.
One of the rules is that members of the cult are not supposed to date or marry 'outsiders'. Your friend is already with her boyfriend now so they will give her a break until she is in and they have decided enough time has passed. Then they will attempt to indoctrinate her boyfriend. If it is clear that he will never join the cult they will begin to pressure her to leave him because he is 'wordly'. All of this will happen subtlely and slowly.
That is just the tip of the iceberg too. There are a multitude of other reasons why their relationship will be strained. She will no longer be allowed to celebrate holidays or his birthday. She will lose her sense of who she is because her ability to reason and think for herself will be taken away from her. She will become a depressed and empty shell of a person as she desperately tries to live up to the impossible standards that will be drilled into her head as the only way for her to gain salvation. The longer she stays in the worse it will become.
Your friend is joining a cult so yes of course there will be much problems in their relationship. Its almost impossible for there not to be.
Thank you all for your reply's.
I am quite worried for them especially my brother in law, but they both think there will be no problems. His GF is not yet baptised so probably they are not telling her yet the whole truth about the rules she must abide by, she also believes that she doesnt have to go door to door. Which I believe to be wrong.
Also will she still be allowed too talk to me and my husband? As we have no intention what soever of joining.
Also will she still be allowed too talk to me and my husband? As we have no intention what soever of joining."
Yes but she wont be able to associate with you. You will then be considered "bad association"!