WHY are there no mentally challenged new JW's...?

by Rabbit 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rabbit

    Mrs. Rocky 2 - Said:

    I am going to hold to my opinion of respect being underdone. Disagreements about terminology, politically correct or not, start wars, which is not my intention.

    Focusing on getting to know people ("the person") is more important than trying to figure out pc terminology. I think the original question posed by Rabbit was to pose a thought about how the WT community does not really make an effort to know the person, especially those who are mentally challenged. Just as Rabbit mentioned, there are no support groups or assistance for those who are mentally challenged or their families (no formal weekend respite programs, etc.) From experience I know that persons with lower than societal average IQs are avoided by mainstream JWs.

    THANK YOU...! For understanding...my original question so well, Rocky.

    I DO agree that respect is underdone and I really was not trying to 'start a war' over PC or terminology.

    I am sorry I did not word the question better, I think that is why 'forgetmenot' decided to 'hijack' the thread and turn it into an exchange and attack about political correctness.

    Even tho' as a pioneer, I would start a study with anyone who wanted one, I never felt as tho' I was really encouraged to do this and of course told to discontinue them, if there was not the 'proper' progress. I don't think most of them ( the ones that seemed 'slow or mentally challenged' ) could ever have gone thru the whole process. So, WHAT about them?

    That was my question...that was and still is a very big deal with me. I do care about people with those problems and always thought something could be done, but, never was!

    I always saw 'Christendom's' churches doing charity work, in natural disasters they provided help to EVERYONE, most of the time...WBTS only helped the witnesses, not always...but most of the time.

    And...that was my experience, too; unless you were born into a JW family or came with the newly baptized parent(s), there were NO programs or help available.

    So, thank you again, Rocky 2, for getting this thread back on track.


    I am sorry, but I did not understand your 'point' quoting the WatchTower. I don't think it really answered anything, because it seemed to go all around the subject and not REALLY answer anything. It was all supposition -- how 'bad' or how 'pronounced' the slow mental condtion was...SO WHO DECIDES THAT?? And later...if there was a mistake and that person should NOT have been baptized...and they ARE before their 'judges' in the JC...? What happens...? Disfellowshipping...? When they did not understand what they were getting into in the FIRST place...???

    ~ Lee ~

  • blondie

    Well, rabbit, I will clarify. Just like other people in the world, JWs give birth to children that are "retarded" "developmentally challenged" whatever. These children vary in intelligence but not in the ability to love their parents and family. Are they aware of their "responsibilities" toward God. Some high-functioning children are, others are dependent and need help all their life making decisions. Of course, the WTS tries to make a rule to determine who survives and who doesn't. (my article)

    Does the WTS "witness" to such adults in group homes? Yes, they do. I have seen them study and attend meetings. They are able to take part in giving simple answers at the meetings and simple presentations.

    Maybe I missed the point of the question. I don't think JWs target or avoid developmentally challenged individuals. Some avoid them just I have found some avoid my relatives that are developmentally challenged because of ignorant fears. I still hear the word "retard" come out of people's mouths, adults and children. I have many complaints about the WTS, but the unkind use of the word "retard" has not been my experience at the KH.

    I apologize for missing the point.

  • Rabbit

    Blondie said:

    I have many complaints about the WTS, but the unkind use of the word "retard" has not been my experience at the KH.

    I apologize for missing the point.

    Hey Blondie,

    No offense meant, I am new here and I guess I thought you were simply quoting the Watchtower, because that's what you may believe in as the only or best answer to my question. I hope that is not the case.

    Answering simple questions during a study or meeting, as you said you have seen some do -- does not really get to my concerns about 'What really happens to help these people'? They seem to slip between the cracks -- and their needs are not met...

    Thanks for answering,

    ~ Lee ~

  • blondie

    Be assured, Rabbit, that the WTS does not miss a trick to boost their numbers. That is why they are finally "reaching out" to the deaf community. But not until all the "normal" people were not responding any more.

    Just as drug addicts, the homeless, the mentally ill are ignored, so is this group of people. The elders will hardly reach out to the "normal" people without problems in the KH. The sick and elderly are neglected as well. We won't even discuss those with AIDS or are HIV+.

    How many of us would have the love Christ did when he reached out and touched the leper and made him clean?

    Many of those who are developmentally disabled outside the WTS are wards of their parents or other adults. That makes it difficult for the WTS to weave their web around these people. I have seen it tried though by the WTS.

    The WTS is not an organization that shows love to its members, whether whole physically or mentally or not. The focus is on individual salvation.

    If anyone would like to reach out to this community of people, see what associations in your area assist them and volunteer. United Way is a good place to start.


  • Rabbit

    Blondie Said:

    Just as drug addicts, the homeless, the mentally ill are ignored, so is this group of people. The elders will hardly reach out to the "normal" people without problems in the KH. The sick and elderly are neglected as well. We won't even discuss those with AIDS or are HIV+.

    You're right. And I never even thought about some of the the other problems you enlightened me with above.

    Thanks, Lee

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2


    For what it's worth, I don't think forgetmenot was trying to hijack the thread into a discussion on political correctness..I think she was trying to indicate that focusing on the person and what their needs/desires are is important. We all just got hung up on the terminology. There have been some excellent points made about WT's behavior towards what might be considered the needier persons of society. WT can't function as a sales organization if they are too busy taking care of the lame, mamed, and broken hearted...somewhere in time they lost sight Jesus' ministry of helping the down trodden, oppressed, and lowly. And maybe that is where forgetmenot is coming from. If you spend any time in the Borg and had any kind of compassion you could get real testy if the underdogs of society are oppressed even more, even if it is in words. (And I don't say that to imply that you do not have compassion, because I think you do or you wouldn't have posted this topic.)

    Respectfully, Mrs Rocky

  • Rabbit

    Mrs. Rocky said:

    For what it's worth, I don't think forgetmenot was trying to hijack the thread into a discussion on political correctness..I think she was trying to indicate that focusing on the person and what their needs/desires are is important. We all just got hung up on the terminology. There have been some excellent points made about WT's behavior towards what might be considered the needier persons of society.

    "Hi-jack" may have been a harsh word -- it did seem like it though, because she was so intent on showing me 'how wrong I was' to disagree with her way of 'wording' things. I wish I had not said that...I did not want to argue or hurt feelings.

    I still feel my original question ( which you understood well) was focusing on the person, the problem, the terminology was the fartherest thing from my mind. I know that I was not being insensitive, but, felt as though she thought I was...

    I do believe, as I told her -- that I thought her heart was in the right place...it was obvious that she cared about these people, too. I guess I got a little irritated...because she SEEMED to imply, that if myself and others would not conform to her descriptive words -- we were not as caring or understanding. I do have a problem with that.

    Because: I too, have a disability -- Epilepsy. I don't get too upset if someone uses the 'wrong' words.

    Technically, I can be said to 'BE' an Epileptic, that, to some may seem like that term defines me, others want to say I HAVE epilepsy, whatever...! As long as they don't REALLY get it wrong and think I'm (a) drunk, druggie or think I am 'mentally' dangerous or something...I don't really care. If they see me have a seizure...and are frightened...I understand this is something NEW for them. People tend to fear the unknown. I take this opportunity to try and calm them and educate them.


    When people have seen me have a seizure, they usually have no idea what to do. I get to help them understand how they can help someone. I get on my soapbox and they are somewhat glad for the experience. They know why it happens and why they shouldn't fear me (whew...!) and how to keep someone safe -- with different types of seizures.

    So, I've experienced some bad things from some people and very good treatment from others with my 'problem', but I don't get upset about the words -- I too, just want respect.

    Rocky and others -- Thanks again for answering my query.

    And I've gone on too long...

    ~ Lee ~

  • avishai

    I also am an epileptic http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/55997/1.ashx

    I find dealing w/ it humorously & irreverently is the only way for me to survive the embarrassment. When I'm flopping around, spazzing out, I say stuff like

    "I'm not epileptic, I'm a pentacostal!!" Or, "Anyone got any heavy cream? I can make fresh butter in no time flat!!"

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    Rabbit and Avishai,

    My heart goes to you. Epilepsy and seizure disorders aren't the most convenient to adjust to, since the seizures are unpredictable and happen at the most inopportune times (not that there is an optimum time to have a seizure). My mother-in-law has had a seizure disorder for more than 20 years. I was a new bride, living across the yard from her when she had her first seizure...rode with her in the ambulance to the hospital and stayed with her afterwards. It is frightening, not just for the person, but for those around. People are afraid of what they don't understand...and most people don't take the time out of their busy lives to understand such things as disabilities, including epilepsy and seizure disorders. "and that's all I got to say about that!"

  • gumby

    The mentally challenged don't turn numbers nor dollars for the Organisation, therefore the Organisation doesn't aid them.

    The Organisation likes go- getters who make more dubs, and have lots of dough................in reality that is.


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