Here's a blast from the past.
The Watch Tower Herald Of Christ's Presence
Sept 1 1930 p. 2
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, the Maker of
heaven and earth, and is from everlasting to everlasting; that
the Logos was the beginning of his creation; that the Logos
became a man; that ho is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory,
clothed with all power in heaven and in earth.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, and created perfect
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man wilfully
disobeyed God's law and was sentenced to death; that by
reason of Adam's wrongful act all men are born smners and
without the right to life.
THAT JESUS was made a human being in order that he
might become the Redeemer of man; that he gave his life a
sacrifice for man and thereby produced the ransom price; that
Jesus the divine was raised from the dead, ascended into
heaven, and presented the value of his human sacrifice as the
redemptive price for man.
THAT FOR MANY CENTURIES God, through Christ, has
been selecting from among men the members of his church,
which constitutes the body of Christ; that the mission of the
church is to follow in the footsteps of her Lord Christ Jesus,
grow in his likeness, give testimony to the name and purpose
of Jehovah God, and ultimately be glorified with Christ Jesus
in his heavenly kingdom; that Christ, Head and body, eonstitutes
the "seed of Abraham" through which all families of
the earth shall be blessed.
THAT THE WORLD HAS ENDED; that the Lord Jesus
has returned and is now present; that Jehovah has placed
Christ Jesus upon his throne and now commands all nations
and peoples to hear and obey him.
THAT THE HOPE OF THE PEOPLES of earth is restoration
to human perfection during the reign of Christ; that
the reign of Christ will afford opportunity to every man to
have a fair trial for life, and those who obey will live on earth
for ever in a state of happiness.