THE WORLD HAS ENDED % Watch Tower 1930

by garybuss 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • garybuss

    Dan, you wrote,

    the fact that God's servants have misunderstood Jehovah's timetable shouldn't undermine our trust in Jehovah's Organization.

    That's absolutely right in an abstract kind of a way. The reason Jehovah has an organization on earth is so he can see his will in print and he only would appoint a printing business that would change the writing when it was wrong. God works through men and he only can pick imperfect men who can pick printing equipment to print 25 million copies of The Watchtower monthly in 146 languages and Awake! which has a monthly circulation of 22 million copies in 86 languages with single-web systems in 64-page configuration that can operate at speeds up to 45,000 cylinder revolutions per hour. Those brothers are much too busy managing those presses and maintenance of the buildings to spend much time on timetable calculations. It's unreasonable to expect Jehovah's Organization to be responsible for erroneous conclusions some brothers may have come to from reading the books and magazines provided by the Faithful And Discreet Slave.

    It's much easier to buy seven LITHOMAN presslines from MAN Roland, to be installed in its printing plants in England, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, Japan (one press each) and the USA (two presses), with delivery of the order running in the middle of tens of million Euros, than to get religious doctrine correct since Jehovah is blessing the expansion of the Worldwide printing but the writing department never claimed to be inspired.

    The timetable thing is critical to understand because after the donation of wills and trusts and brokerage accounts the focus is on the printing of the good news, which is mostly made up of bad news, and the brothers handling the cash are in no way connected to those who were mismanaging the timetable department.

  • heathen

    Now that's interesting , The WTBTS has a satellite system? Next you are going to tell me that brooklyn watches the congregations with secret cameras and sound throughout the buildings . That would just be too sick especially if they didn't inform the meeting attendees . I think I am seeing an orwellian society more and more as I read the board.

  • garybuss

    Heathen, You have a radio don't you? That's a wireless network. Cell phone? That's a wireless network too. The Society has long broadcast special meetings. The Society did own and broadcast from their own radio station on Staten Island in New York. Didn't you ever go to a convention and hear the speakers in the toilet and listen to graphic descriptions of the deteriorating world conditions while you were trying to start your water?

  • SanFranciscoJim
    This was really all explained in the Aid To Bible Understanding book except it really didn't explain it very well and was replaced with the Insight On The Scriptures book which plainly states that Biblical things can't be plainly stated.

    With that explanation, I believe you have neatly summed up Watchtower doctrine into one compact sentence.


  • heathen

    Yep I sure did hear the speaker in the bathroom and am fully aware of cell phones but would you say it's safe to come to the conclusions that I mentioned ? Are these people that paranoid and controling they need to investigate people trying to use their restroom with hidden cameras and microphones? I notice they had some cameras at the front door watching the parking lots and they did use walkie talkies while patroling the lot . I just wanna know how friggen sick can these people get ? I know they like to play head games in very sick ways for the purpose of control , they flat out lied to me on several occassions and from what I'm seeing in the WTBTS articles is the subtle half truths and lies they accuse everyone else of . This is classic double think .

  • garybuss

    Thanks Jim, You wrote:

    With that explanation, I believe you have neatly summed up Watchtower doctrine into one compact sentence.

    I have worked hard to achieve this status. You will never know how much I appreciate your comments.

  • garybuss

    Heathen, The company men were sitting in parked cars staking out my apartment in Vermilion, South Dakota in the middle of the winter in 1965. As you may remember I have not associated since 1974 when I was raked over the spiritual coals for not wearing a necktie to a publishing corporation sponsored sales meeting.

    I have a friend who was an elder who told me about traveling to a neighboring town with another elder and checking into a motel with a view of a room they had under stake out trying to get some dirt on a group member. They worked by day to get new members in and they worked by night to get evidence to kick current members out.

    They have no way to hurt me. They have taken everything they have control of that I may have been interested in. Their threats of shunning have no affect on me. Anybody I care about won't shun me and anybody who does shun me I don't care about.

  • heathen

    garybus-- I am appalled at what you said in the last post . These type of tactics are never discussed in the publications or for that matter at a meeting . If I knew people would take it upon themselves to do those type of things , they would be the last people on earth I would want to associate with . That type of behavior is beyond contempt . I just hate sneaky underhanded people who want that kind of power and where do they get off?

  • Gopher

    If the world has ended, why all this fuss about being "no part of the world"?

  • ball.

    The closing lines of Ferris Beulers Day Off after the credits comes to mind, "you still here? It's OVER. Go home!"

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